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  3. Flea Status Report - 18 March 2024

Flea Status Report - 18 March 2024

Hey, here's what we've recently achieved in development. But before we start please find the Join Playtest button at the game store page and request access:

we have got more than 130 new requests from our previous post, and still looking for more people to join, please do it ;)

In this update we were mostly focused on character classess updates:

1. Tentacula "Fighter" class becomes a "Shocker" now. His bite applies periodic electrical damage to the enemy and if two enemy are close enough to each other they will both receive damage.

2. "Invisibility" ability has duration now. We've also added a nice-looking visual and sound effects when you are invisible.

3. Visual indicator for bite reload added.
4. New "Burrow" ability added.
5. New "Stone skipping" ability added.

6. New "Bomber" ability added.

7. New "Energy ball" ability added.
8. Problem with team mixing when join from lobby is fixed now.
9. Started working on "offline" training map with NPC waves spawning. It will help new players to adapt faster :)
10. All explosion VFXs are improved.

This is all for today, we still have a lot of updates on the map and game mode but let's continue about this next time.

Any comments and ideas are highly welcome as well as adding the game to your wishlists

Thank you!