1. Sail Forth
  2. News
  3. Patch 1.5.8

Patch 1.5.8

Hello! I'm back from a trip and getting back into work on Sail Forth. This patch fixes a few bugs and also contains some nice quality of life improvements to crew management.

Some of you are apparently racking up hundreds of sailors below deck, and managing this screen plus finding the sailor you want to crew a boat starts to get a bit difficult. This update adds some filtering options to the below deck screen so you can filter to *just* Skull Clan for example.

This also includes a faster way to fill a boat with sailors via the new 'fill crew' option in the crew management screen, which uses the same filtering options to enable quickly crewing a boat with a particular sailor type.

  • Improvement: Add a tab to crew inventory screen for filtering sailors by type, helpful when dealing with large numbers of sailors below deck
  • Improvement: Add “Fill Crew” with type selector option to crew management screen, useful for quickly filling an empty boat with sailors
  • As a part of this change, “Remove All Crew” was moved to be below the “Crew” section of the screen, to be consistent with it’s behavior in only removing crew members, not the captain
  • Improvement: Updated visuals when boats are equipped with golden oars
  • Bugfix: Fix a bug that sometimes resulted in locations having incorrect boundaries after fast travel
  • Bugfix: Handle fast traveling in the middle of Gregg’s penguin quest
  • Bugfix: Fixes to ensure achievements are properly unlocked, especially in Epic build

As always thanks to everyone for playing and following along with the game! Barring any important bug fixes, I intend the next update to include some fun new content and mechanics!