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  3. VR Update!

VR Update!

VR tease and PS5 port update

What's up Spinners. We've been quietly chipping away at our PlayStation 4+5 port of SRXD, which includes PSVR. We're targeting June (ish) for release.

We will also be pushing out VR mode on Steam as a free update at the same time!

VR feels like the best implementation of motion controls we have achieved so far. Tracks make you feel like you're controlling a virtual drum kit, it's pretty neat!

The VR controller moves the wheel as smoothly as your hand moves, and is "engaged" when the dominant hand (which can be swapped) cuts through the target zone. This acts as a tap or a hold note, and the same happens for beats (and beat holds) in the opposite hand.

If you prefer to play in VR with regular gamepad controls and no waggle, you can do that instead.

On PlayStation we will support regular gamepad controls, gyro and even the wacky touchpad feature - the quality of this touchpad gameplay experience is questionable but hey it's there!


We will also be releasing our second DLC alongside PS5 and VR which is Chillhop! Click below to listen to the playlist.

We will be releasing 2 free Chillhop tracks into the base game collection alongside the DLC to give you a taste of their laid back vibe - Daydream by Eli Way and Second Wind by L'indecis.

Thanks as always for your patience.