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  3. Dinkum is part of the Earth Appreciation Festival!

Dinkum is part of the Earth Appreciation Festival!


I was just thinking to myself - isn’t it fantastic that every day is an opportunity to celebrate our incredible planet? We often take it for granted, but let’s not forget that if we don’t take care of it, one day we might lose it all for eternity. Personally, I find great joy in the simple pleasures: the melodious chirping of birds, the gentle caress of sunlight on my face, and the invigorating freshness of clean air.

And guess what? Today marks the beginning of something special – The Earth Appreciation Festival! It's time to ramp up our gratitude for Mother Earth. To kick things off, I've spoken with James and organised a 20% discount on the game. So, grab the discount while it lasts because this festivity ends on April 29th.

Let’s make every day Earth Day!

All The best,

