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  3. Inkbound Patch 1.0.2

Inkbound Patch 1.0.2

[h2]Letter from the Team[/h2]

This patch is focused on fixing more reported problems and tweaking balance on a variety of elements of the game. Notably, both Godkeeper and Chainbreaker were buffed in various ways. The full details are below.

[h2]Release Timing[/h2]

This patch will be released at approximately 12 pm Pacific (UTC-7) on April 17, 2024.

[h2]Full Patch Notes[/h2]

[h3]Gameplay Bug Fixes[/h3]
  1. Fixed Celestial Spear ascension God of Lightning spear not smiting enemies on the last turn it's on the ground.
  2. Fixed Infused Fist ascension Finishing Fist not increasing damage based on Combo stacks.
  3. Fixed Shadow of Ruhnstone able to gain Woozy stacks while downed.
  4. Fixed Guardian Challenge buffs Blightlord assist and Slimpe Egg assist sometimes not spawning their units if there is no space.
  5. Fixed the Unbound quest line being erroneously locked for certain players who played during Early Access.

[h3]Gameplay Balance Changes[/h3]
  1. Updated Celestial Spear. 40 damage >>> 50 damage. Updated ascensions to match.
  2. Updated Celestial Spear ascension God of Lightning: "...inflicts up to 2 Smite per turn it's on the ground." >>> "...inflicts up to 3 Smite per turn it's on the ground."
  3. Updated Impale ascension Lightning Rod. "...Enemies hit take +40 damage from Smite until end of turn." >>> "...Enemies hit take +50 damage from Smite until end of turn."
  4. Updated Whirlwind ascension Stormcaller: "...Smite 4 times, split between Enemies hit." >>> "...Smite 5 times, split between Enemies hit."
  5. Updated Infused Fist: 150 damage, 80 secondary damage >>> 170 damage, 100 secondary damage.
  6. Updated Infused Fist ascension Finishing Fist. 200 damage >>> 225 damage.
  7. Updated Infused Fist ascension Supercharged Fist: 150 damage, 120 secondary damage >>> 175 damage, 225 secondary damage.
  8. Updated Infused Fist Uncommon augment Virulent Fist: 10 Poison >>> 20 Poison. Uncommon >>> Rare.
  9. Updated Infusted Fist Rare augment Follow Up Fist: Rare >>> Uncommon.
  10. Decreased Book 2 Rhinferno attack from 18 >>> 16.
  11. Decreased Book 1 Nim the Lost attack from 18 >>> 16. Increased HP from 7000 >>> 8000.
  12. Increased Janus the Malformed Sparring Dummy HP from 700 >>> 1000 (book 1), 1500 >>> 2000 (book 2).
  13. Updated Ironclap ascension Slam. 30 damage >>> 40 damage.
  14. Updated trinket Rose of Rubies: "While above 20 max hp, defeating Minions grants 3 Omni Damage and -2 Max HP, tripled for Guardians." >>> "...3 Omni Damage and -1 Max HP..."

[h3]Other Changes and Fixes[/h3]
  1. Fixed a variety of Chinese and Japanese translation errors.
  2. Made run information objects visually stand out more in the Atheneum.
  3. Fixed players losing access to cosmetics when going between offline and online modes in some circumstances.
  4. Fixed a hidden status effect on Star Captain showing up as blank.