1. Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts
  2. News
  3. Multiplayer is coming!

Multiplayer is coming!

Dear admirals and fellow players of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts,

We promised that we would announce something special. So, we are very glad to inform you that we currently develop a Multiplayer DLC for Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts!

We have actually made good progress so far and now we are ready to share it with a small number of players. We will invite up to 100 players to play the Closed Beta of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts.


Closed Beta Requirements:
  • You need to own the base game of “Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts”. The beta cannot function without the base game.
  • Your Steam account must not be private, so that we can evaluate your request.

You want to participate? Then please write to us in this Steam thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1069660/discussions/5/4360124542795048026/.

After reading your request, if it meets the requirements, we will send as soon as possible a Steam Key via private message in your Steam account. Due to Steam restrictions, you will have to accept the friend request of developer “DARTIS” (me) to be able to communicate via PM.

Players with a lot of gameplay hours will be chosen in priority. Please note that we have a limited amount of keys, so depending on user demand, we will stop sending keys without further notice.


Important Notes:
  • The multiplayer DLC of “Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts” currently still needs work, includes bugs, inconsistencies and is not fully updated with the main game content of 3D models. The servers may be dysfunctional or often get repairs. We are aware of those problems but you can report what creates a big issue for you, so we can prioritize our development work accordingly.
  • Your saved designs and leaderboard score may be reset several times and will not function in the final game.
  • The keys you will receive will expire prior to the full release when the testing is no longer needed. We may share free keys to players who will help us greatly in the testing processes.
  • There is no strict NDA. This means that there is no restriction in posting feedback, images, videos about the new multiplayer version. However, we can and we will cancel the key immediately for everyone that will execute any form of abuse versus other players, cheating, illegal activity etc.


There is a new forum on Steam that will be viewable to all game owners, where testers can share their feedback and other game owners can offer their suggestions and ideas. Please visit it here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1069660/discussions/5/

We hope we meet you soon in the multiplayer battlefield )). Thank you for your attention.

The Game-Labs Team