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  2. News
  3. 1.0.43 Update Log - [Soldier Gems Fixes][Localization Mod Support Trailer]

1.0.43 Update Log - [Soldier Gems Fixes][Localization Mod Support Trailer]

[h2]Soldier Gems Fixes[/h2]

After the last update, we received many bugs from players about Soldier Gems not installing even after the conditions were met, this will be fixed in this update.

Other fixes:

1.Fix Saqie gender setting error
2.Fixed an issue where heroes without sorcery qualifications, such as Alaf Jahim, could not equip Fatalis Wizar's Demise.

[h2]Localization Module Support Trailer[/h2]

Sands of Salzaar has always only supported Simplified Chinese and English, and we know that some of the community players have created their own localized mods for players to use, and we are very thankful to these players for their support of the community.

In subsequent updates, we will consider opening up localization-related interfaces, so that players can localize their favorite mods, as well as make it easier to localize the game's content.

In addition to this, we will continue to update the game and gradually optimize the gameplay, as well as lag and flashback issues.

That's all for this update! Feel free to join our Discord to get in touch! Our managers will try their best to help you solve any issues you encounter in the game!