1. The Last Spell
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  3. The Last Spell released one year ago!

The Last Spell released one year ago!

Hello Heroes!

Today marks a special day for all of us at Ishtar Games, but also for you! Exactly one year ago, The Last Spell launched in 1.0, almost two years after the start of the Early Access.

We've said it before but we'll say it again: our success has been possible thanks to you, the players. Even now, we see your messages on Discord & Reddit to discuss strategies, ideas and to welcome new players trying to beat this damn Cetusia on Lakeburg. Your support means a lot to us and we are always happy to answer your questions, detail our choices in our blogposts or go even further than what we initially ambitionned for the game.

But we know you've got one big question about what's coming after!


You're waiting for it, we are profusely working on it, but we're not ready just yet to tell you more about it.

We read your messages every day and we're very much aware of the excitement that you all have for the DLCs, and trust us, we CAN'T WAIT to tell you about the VERY exciting things we've been cooking for you!

In the meantime, yay to The Last Spell being one year old and here's to a lot more!

We'll see you soon.


Thank you for reading and thank you for your support! You can join us on Discord, Twitter & Instagram to chat with the team and other players!