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  3. Dwarves of Runenberg: Gauntlet

Dwarves of Runenberg: Gauntlet

Hello Heroes,

Did you read the news? The Last Spell is getting a DLC!

Dwarves of Runenberg is the first DLC coming to The Last Spell, and with it comes multiple additions to the game, including three brand new weapons. Today, we're gonna give you a little more insight about one of them: the Gauntlet, a magical weapon with the power of throwing rocks around.



The Gauntlet is a magical weapon that morphs from a close range to a long range weapon when a certain threshold is reached, changing your approach to the battlefield. Lift the rocks, kill your enemies and reposition yourself to take advantage of its unique passive.

[h2]Gauntlet's Skills[/h2]
Extract a stalagmite from the ground to pierce your target, taking advantage of Opportunism. Simultaneously, smaller stalagmites will hit the enemies behind your target.

Project a shockwave of stalactites to nearby enemies, shattering their armor. This in an AoE skill scaling on Propagation.

[h3]Geo Cannon[/h3]
Extract three gigantic rocks and throw them in front of you. A powerful attack, but easily dodged by faster enemies.

[h2]Weapon perks[/h2]
With the release of Dwarves of Runenberg, we are introducing Weapon perks, a new way to design and play the weapons at your disposal. Perk weapons are available on the Gauntlet, War Shield and Cannon.

[h3]Geo Reservoir[/h3]
Accumulate the runic energy in your Gauntlet and release it in a spell, enhancing its range and power.

To use Geo Reservoir, first you'll need to hit up to 6 enemies to charge it up. If you're lucky (or insanely good) and you hit 6 enemies with only one skill, you're ready to go to the next step!

Once your Geo Reservoir is up and ready, use your much improved range to punish enemies that were too far away from you just a minute ago.

Now that you know everything about this new weapon, we can't wait to see you using it on the battlefield! The Gauntlet is one of three weapons available in the upcoming DLC: make sure to wishlist it! Dwarves of Runenberg will be available on April 24th.


Thank you for reading and thank you for your support! You can join us on Discord, Twitter & Instagram to chat with the team and other players!