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  3. Hades 2 cast and voice actors

Hades 2 cast and voice actors

Who are the Hades 2 voice actors? What makes Hades and its successor so great isn't just the epic gameplay, challenging enemies, and brutal bosses, but the emotional story that goes with it. As we move on from Zagreus to Melinoe, we still carry on from the events of the first game, led by a huge cast of new and returning characters.

With so many powerful, emotional, and humorous voice lines propelling the Hades 2 story forward, you might be wondering who the Hades 2 cast members are behind the Greek Gods, Goddesses and other Hades 2 characters. There are some recognizable voices in there, as well, so here's every Hades 2 voice actor in the roguelike game, who they play, and from where you might recognize them.

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