1. Gloomwood
  2. News
  3. Underport Progress Report

Underport Progress Report

[h3]Hello again good doctors.

Apologies for the lack of announcements over the last few months, but we've been... rather busy.

And today we bring you a full report on progress of Gloomwood's upcoming Underport District.[/h3]

[h3]The Underport will be the largest and most interconnected district you've yet to explore in Gloomwood.

Featuring not only the looping dungeon design Dillon is so fond of, but new and clever ways to approach getting both in and *out* of it.[/h3]

[h3]Bigger than the market.[/h3]

[h3]Spookier than the Tavern.[/h3]

[h3]More verticality than the caves.[/h3]

And in the depths of the Underport you'll finally find the first of the city's seals (to open the Countess' manor) and at the very bottom - A BRAND NEW WEAPON

[h3]The Harpoon Gun.[/h3]
As you can see, the Harpoon Gun will allow the doctor to reach new heights before thought impossible, and approach encounters in... interesting new ways.

[h3]But that's not all.[/h3]

We've also been writing and recording new VO from Terri Brosius (The Countess) and Stephan Weyte (The Merchant) to flesh out the story as it progresses...

[h3]We've added rain (with accurate indoor/outdoor soundscapes)[/h3]

[h3]And... RAT AI?![/h3]

This will prove... useful.
[h3]Plus some new routes in The Caves to give the doctor even more options for how to approach his initial escape.[/h3]

After The Underport releases (within the next couple of months) we'll be focusing on the Research Update that will allow the doctor to take body parts from enemies back to the lab at the lighthouse in order to study them and gain NEW ABILITIES.

Then we'll be building The Bank level which will introduce a new, more advanced - high security - section of the city - patrolled by The Constables, guarded by Gargoyles... and more...

[h3]We're getting into the real MEAT of the game now, doctors... come prepared.[/h3]
