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9th Dawn III News

Update to fix pet reviving bug hopefully!

There has been a niche pet revival bug that's been eluding me for a while.. with some help from a community member I think this may potentially be resolved?

I also added a little link to the new game to the main menu!

Thank you!

--PS. Hopefully if everything is resolved I can start to push the new update to other platforms including Consoles!

9th Dawn Remake game announcement!

I am proud to announce my new game '9th Dawn Remake' - a full remake of the original game which started the 9th Dawn series 12 years ago. Watch the Teaser Trailer and wishlist on Steam!


New patch :)

-Fixed shops roguelike mode with controller
-Fixed armour not working
-Fixed obscure pet reviving bug
-Fixed shop sell price going down as bartering increased bug
-Increased droprate of Valchist Heart and Molten Core
-All dragons can now drop Molten Core
-Reduce craft quantity needed to "master" high end items, to make completion more achievable
-Increased mining drops quantity
-Increased creature capture rate
-Autohide activity log
-Hard mode enemy damage to player reduced slightly

Finally, bait and traps are cheaper...

Also, finally... Charcoal has been renamed to coal...

Also, finally... Coal drop rate has been increased.

Enjoy a discounted small bait and small trap price from the creature shop in this patch, which should help you more easily afford to get started with creature taming. The capture rate has also been increased for low level monsters.


Patch 1.61

Added a button to main menu that links to a "Steam Remote Play" help thread