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  2. News
  3. Patch notes 12/03/2021

Patch notes 12/03/2021

• Giant Rat animation speed has been increased.
• Vermin now dive into a burrow instead of just disappearing.
• Added animated skeletons in all areas of the game.
• Swamp rafts have been improved to get stuck less often.
• Added hints to blocks containing animal parts to better understand their direction.
• The interface is better adapted to different screen sizes.
• Improved visibility of water in pipes.
• Optimised the effects of wind corridors.
• Optimised performance in the interface.

• Improved lock sounds.
• Added new ambient and battle music.
• The organ has a new sound for its notes.
• Sail chariots have new sounds.
• Vermin's sound has been improved.

[h3]BUG FIXES[/h3]
• Fixed a bug that prevented solving puzzles involving currents in the second part of the inner moat.
• Changed the collision of the skull sphere to match the object correctly.
• The sphere can no longer be trapped under a scale in the cloak wing.
• Fixed a bug allowing to cross jellies without making them move.
• Fixed a camera bug at the end of the fight that always returned to first person.
• Fixed a bug that caused crates to fall when they were on the dispensers.