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Beat Rush News

A RackJacker giveaway

Hey people,

As we still have slots in the giveaway, we're crossposting from RackJacker's community hub:

A giveaway of RackJacker testing copies is coming soon.
You'll receive an opportunity to win keys and become the first-ever players to try RackJacker.
Just join our subreddit and comment under this post to tell us that you want a copy. We'll choose a couple of people and announce the results when the time comes.

So go on and participate!

Take care,
- the devs

Our game hub on Reddit

Hello, everyone,

A few months ago, we made a subreddit dedicated to our games and other activities that we're participating in; however, we completely forgot about it. We re-discovered it just a couple of weeks ago and would like to put it to use. It will act as a singular news and game hub for all our products.
It will contain info about upcoming projects, exclusive screenshots, pieces of new tracks (including game soundtracks), and more. We think it'd become a good place to put people together and also let them comment and show their ideas. Our latest upcoming title, RackJacker, is in its development phases, and it'd be nice to hear what people think of what they could have already seen (screenshots, story into, store description). We'll collect feedback and try to incorporate it into the game.

The subreddit is available here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ongakken/

Don't hesitate to join to see what comes next, get the latest news, and voice your thoughts in a unified place of all things Ongakken.


Thanks, everyone

Hi again,

Well, who would have thought.
I've read through all your responses in all three community hubs (RunnerDot, Beat Rush, and RackJacker). You've honestly, wholeheartedly pleasantly surprised me. I stepped away too quickly because the review in question was striking down the game. After all, it was made for mobile platforms, and in my head, this meant that he's right about the other things, and I couldn't take it. But I've put a tremendous amount of time into Beat Rush, RunnerDot, and a game-in-progress, RackJacker. I think it would be a waste to throw it all away.
All of you helped me realize this. Many people said nice things about the game in the final giveaway. I had some trouble shaking off some negative comments in the past, and it's not so easy. If a person has a valid point that I can fix, I'll do that. I did that in Beat Rush nearly every time someone mentioned that something wasn't working for them. I answered almost every review with a thank-you and a promise that I'll look into it. Most of the time, I did, and I pushed a fix a while after, sometimes even the same day. So I care deeply about my creations and the people who play them. At the end of Beat Rush's lifecycle, a friend joined me, and the two of us were working on the new game. He's a bit more distant because he hasn't spent half of his sanity behind a computer, frequently without getting a tiny bit of sleep, trying to squash a bug or figure something else out.

This being said, I'm retracting the last announcement about leaving Steam and game dev in general.
You, people who said nice things, helped me gather energy and motivation to go on and made me realize that after all I've put into it, including heart, I shouldn't just stop because of a naysayer. Okay, everyone has a right to an opinion, and some people might think the game wasn't the right one for Steam, but on the other hand, nothing here says that only games initially developed for PCs have a place here. Valve doesn't say that; most of the players don't say that. Some of you have enjoyed the simplicity and the musical part of the game, even though it's initially made for mobile platforms.

Glad that we're not some large-scale corporation; otherwise, this decision couldn't have been made just like that. Sincere thanks to all of you who stood by me. You may have helped preserve something from destruction.

What all this means is that the work on RackJacker continues. First, RunnerDot will receive an exit button (as many of you have requested). Then, the Steam leaderboards that are already implemented will get exposed to the front-end so that people can use them. The button will come today, but the leaderboards may require some time to test thoroughly. After this, all resources will go towards the new game, RackJacker.

The giveaway that's in progress will continue, and all the keys will be dispersed between the people who win. So if you're not in it yet, don't miss the chance to win one of 10 000 keys :-).

Thank you,
- Simtoon

We're ending our game development operations

Hey everyone,

As was pointed out by a community member 'Obey the Fist!', the game 'RunnerDot' that we recently published is not meant for this platform. It wasn't built to be a PC game, and it has no place here. Moreover, this individual has pointed out the hurtful fact that we have no place in this industry. In light of this, we're ending our game development activities, effective immediately.

The game 'RunnerDot' will be removed from sale, and no more people will be able to purchase it. The Steam Store page will become inactive and unactivated keys will stay intact, however, no new keys will be issued. Those who own a copy of the game will continue owning it.

We don't like having to make this decision, but some things just aren't meant to be.

- Simtoon and Patrick

We launched a Discord server!

Greetings, everyone.

We always wanted to gather enthusiastic people and get them to talk to one another.
We have been trying to find gamers, tech people, artists, anime lovers, manga readers, anyone really and strongly enthusiastic about something and bring them all together, so they could discuss their stuff and share knowledge (and memes).

A few days ago, we decided to build a Discord server to try to reach this goal of ours.
Whether you're one of the mentioned people or you're passionate about something completely different, do not hesitate to join our little community:

Discord Invite

We'd be thrilled to have you!

Thanks and have a great day.