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  3. Umurangi Generation Update June 2021

Umurangi Generation Update June 2021

Hi Everyone Ves here,

Umurangi Generation has been updated. I would like to be transparent with the game over the last few days having a few updates pushed to everyone's machines. It has been a while since I updated the public branch because I have been working on the Nintendo Switch Build and the new modes. These modes required translation so they were something I couldn’t make live immediately. In the meantime I worked on fixing as many bugs as possible and improving the game with things like slippery movement. Unfortunately that introduced some new bugs, which hopefully should mostly be squashed. However, there is still more work to do as the game grows over time. I have set up a beta branch (password: betabranch2021) which I will update more regularly with fixes to individual bugs which come through on the discussions thread and then put out an update to the public branch with these fixes every few weeks. This is because updates are always going to be 400-600MB and constantly pushing these updates is annoying and something I am sure everyone would rather not get spammed with.

[h2]Why are updates 400-600mb? [/h2]

This is largely due to compression. With Unity you have the option to compress assets as an uncompressed build of the game is 3.5GB, with the assets compressed the game is 600-800MB. The reason updates are 400-600MB is most of these assets are combined into one during the compilation process, so this ends up being much much smaller in the long run but something that is annoying to constantly get updates on. Thank you for understanding.

Because of this I highly recommend you only opt-in to the beta branch if the game is currently having an issue on your machine. One of the issues which slipped through was that players with high refresh rate screens (120hz, 144hz) would have extremely slow movement and jumping. This was due to the new creative mode changing how movement works due to the ability to now slow down time. This issue is fixed now but it is something I was unable to test with my current machine. Another issue is that the game became very pixelated. Something that should be fixed now.

[h2]A few notable notes[/h2]
-AMD Processors Fix. Players with certain AMD Processors were having issues running the game.
-Less Slippery Movement. Movement is much more rigid than before. With the player sometimes slipping down stairs or off objects.
-Creative Mode Added. Express your creativity by going back to old levels and changing the time of day, fog, sun colour and more.
-Speedrun Mode Added. Run through the whole game. Note: for users who do not have the Macro DLC this will just be the base game only.
-Speedrun Mode (Single) Added. Run through a single level as fast as you can.
-Speedrun Mode (Macro Only Added). Run through the Macro DLC levels only as fast as you can. (Requires Macro DLC)
-Speedrun Mode (No Macro Added). Run through the base game levels (requires Macro DLC)
-Performance fixes. Certain levels should run better now. We made certain objects less intense by turning off settings which are not even visible. One of the benefits porting to less powerful hardware is seeing where bottle necks are and everyone getting those improvements retroactively.
-Bug fixes. We fixed a load of bugs with certain things. For example screen flicker when saving the game.
-Unity Updated from 2019.4.3 to 2020.

[h2]Whats to come in the future?[/h2]

For the PC community I want you all to know I have not forgotten about you. There are some really cool things which I plan on adding here, things like a customisable config file and eventually some custom level support which will be exclusive. You will be able to build your own custom levels which can be side loaded into your documents folder.

Thank you once again for all your support. Things are sometimes going to be rocky and I appreciate everyone's patience.