1. Umurangi Generation
  2. News
  3. A long overdue patch

A long overdue patch

Hi Everyone,

Today we have put out a long overdue patch. Some bug fixes here, some new additions there.

You may have noticed our launch on Xbox recently, with that we went through a whole new round of QA which found a ton of very obscure bugs which were patched. With this, Unity was also updated to a new version (from 2019 to 2021). This caused an issue for the PC build which was released last week on Gamepass, which todays patch (simultaneous to the one released on gamepass) has addressed. These were in relation to the refresh rate fixes, mouse scroll wheel input and some other little things. While I try to fix everything that gets reported some issues I can't replicate due to the unique nature of how PC work. But I am always trying my best to make sure everyone can play. If you have any issues which have popped up since this patch or have incompatibility please let me know so I can fix it for you.

The main addition to this patch is 3 new languages added
- French
- Korean
- Italian

For PC, my next focus will be making the custom levels compatible with Steam Workshop as well as making it so you can edit a text file to configure the game to your machines specific stuff.

Umurangi Generation has come a long way since its initial release. Its held together with duct tape and love.
