1. Mall Craze
  2. News
  3. Update 0.2.3 - Stalls & Kiosks, Dynamic Lights and Fountains

Update 0.2.3 - Stalls & Kiosks, Dynamic Lights and Fountains

Hello everyone!

The Spring Sale is here, and with it comes a new update! The 0.2.3 continues with what 0.2.2 started (and more). The 0.2.2 update brought the first new shop type - Gaming Hardware store, and today, the game has yet another new addition. And it's not just a new shop type, it is a completely new class of shops - Stalls & Kiosks!

Perfume Kiosk

The very first addition for stalls & kiosks is Perfume Kiosk.
But before I continue, let's see how stalls and kiosks will differ from normal shops. The main difference is obviously their size, as they don't require a dedicated shop are, entrance, and products to be built. They are a perfect option when you have an empty area in your mall that is not big enough for a regular store. Another great place for a stall would be plaza or hallway - just like in a real-life mall.

Because of their size, they also house a set of pre-defined products to sell.
Here's the Perfume Kiosk in action:

Work In Progress
More is on the way! Here are 3 additional stalls and kiosks that are currently in production:


Even in previous versions, there were 2 objects called "Fountain", but they didn't do anything. That changes with 0.2.3. Both fountains now behave and sound like an actual fountain. Besides that, a 3rd "fountain" was added as well - jumping water.

Dynamic Lights

Another spotlight in this update is reserved for street lamp - yet another object that, prior to 0.2.3, was doing nothing. That is not the case anymore, and the street lamps now emit dynamic light (they also cast shadows with Screenshot shadow graphical settings).

What's coming next?

There are multiple updates scheduled for the upcoming 30 days.
One reason is that I already have another 3 stalls and kiosks almost ready, and I also have yet another new shop class similar to stalls, that is coming to the game very soon!

Until then,
Thank You very much for your support, and take care!
- Milan, developer

Full Patch Notes 🔧

[h2]Additions & Improvements[/h2]
  • The ability to build stalls & kiosks implemented, with Perfume Kiosk being the first one.
  • Dynamic local lights implemented with the ability to change light color (Street Lamp).
  • Fountains implemented (Fountain 1,2 & 3).
  • Dynamic sound system implemented.
  • Crowd sound added.
  • Shadows adjusted
    • Low: Improved performance over 0.2.2
    • Medium: Improved visuals over 0.2.2
    • High: 700MB less VRAM cost over 0.2.2
    • Screenshot: 700MB less VRAM cost over 0.2.2 + dynamic local light shadows

[h2]Small Changes[/h2]
  • Collisions added to Big Tree Palm.
  • Music volume now dynamically changes based on crowd density.
  • Nature ambient volume now dynamically changes based on crowd density.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed: Saved customers that overlap Escalator are causing crash on load game.
  • Fixed: Customers getting stuck at the bottom of escalator in some situations.
  • Fixed: Bottom step of escalator sometimes glitching through escalator body.
  • Fixed: Fountain water translucency sorting glitch.
  • Partial Fix: Customers getting stuck in the middle of the escalator (they get stuck less often).