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  3. Atlantica Day - June 2023

Atlantica Day - June 2023

Natasha has come a long way ever since her release and it's safe to say that she's had such a warm welcome~

A durable assassin able to dish out damage and follow the thematic of a vengeful mercenary; various builds, team compositions and certain theories have formed just by having her around on your or your friend's roster!

For your continuous support for Atlantica (and to make up for the numerous connection issues) we will be having a special AO Week setting especially for you.

Duration: May 25 - May 31, 2023 (PST Time)

Get ready and get excited! It’s that time of the month again. Atlantica Day is here!

Duration: June 1 - June 8, 2023 (PST Time)

[h3]Atlantica Day Event Buffs[/h3]

1. Resting EXP. Boost 300% up
2. Diary EXP. Boost 300% up
3. Winner Gift Box Event
4. Jackpot Hourly Raffle (AT Day Jackpot Gift)
5. Party EXP Multiplier x2 and x3
6. EXP Bonus Time 300%
7. Crafting EXP 200%
8. Battle Buffs (Attack Power and Def +20%)
9. AT Day Sale (Mercenary, Legion, Books, and Atlas Ores)
10. Atlas Ore Enhancement discount -20%

[h3]Atlantica Day Coupons[/h3]

Aside from the Gift Boxes, you can get the [Atlantica Day Coupon] for every hour that you are online. The number of coupons will increase per hour and everyone can earn up to 6 coupons and a Honey Jar Key! These coupons can be exchanged for weapons to the Atlantacong NPCs located in Rome!

[h3]Atlantica Day Giveaway[/h3]

We'll be giving out free goodies this weekend! Be sure to log into the game to receive the rewards.

Giveaway Duration: June  2 - 8, 2023

Be sure to log in for those bonus EXP and buffs!
See you in-game and have a great week!

~Atlantica Team