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Tactical Warfare Simulator News

Release notes for 1.1 patch 1

Release 1.1 patch 1

  • Optimized models to significantly improve rendering of aircraft when not damaged.
  • Fixed issue preventing display of debriefing after mission complete.
  • Fixed issue where wingman would crash after you killed his target.
  • AI will now full speed on return to base leg till 1km from initials.

Patch Notes 1.1.0

Added Support for Mac osx both Intel and Silicon
Updated to latest Unity LTS Version
Menu has been rebuilt from the ground up to be more appealing and useful.
Added Support for OpenXR as the XR api.
Removed support for OpenVR and Oculus API's. Headsets are still supported through OpenXR.
Rebuild controller support to allow full and easy customization including ability to modify axis response curve and deadzone.
Added Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.
Finished Arras sector map and removed Alpine meadow map.
Tweaked atmosphere appearance and added distance blur
Added Addition lod level and scaling to allow better spotting of aircraft at distance.
Added XR Centering Keybind.

Known Issues
Trees were removed as they were broken in XR. Will be returned in a future patch with better tree support.

1.07 hotfix

  • Corrected an issue that caused a conflict when changing engine controller mapping causing both throttle choices to be active at the same time.
  • Changed gun sfx to use a linear distance fade making it audible at a greater distance

First Year Retrospective

A year ago, we released Tactical Warfare Simulator and the best is yet to come. We have released 7 patches this year and more is to come. Thank you to all who have supported us by buying the game.

Our next patch will be our biggest patch yet. We are finally adding multiplayer to the career Mode! Yes, you will no longer have to fly with AI as wingman, you can bring your friends instead. As well, we will be looking to make additional improvements to the career mode such as AI scrambling to intercept and making larger enemy flight groups.

This will bring 1.0 to a close and begin a push to an even more exciting set of changes as we work toward 2.0. You may be asking what is going to be in 2.0. Well alot, we will be rewriting both clouds and terrain. This will result in larger and higher detail maps. But bigger than that, we are going to dial the immersion to 11. What does that mean you may ask? It means you will be able to walk around your aircraft and the menus, well they will be gone and replaced with in game menus that are part of the world. It means you will have fully interactive cockpits. You will move around the airbase and hq building. We will also have a 3D map table , a briefing room, and even an officer's club to socialize between missions. If you stay tuned you will be able to see our progress on these changes and when ready you will be able to try them out in a public beta release channel. We want your feedback as we work to continue to improve the game.

After that we will be looking to add tanks, trains, trucks, and bombable factories, warehouses, and depots. Currently, logistics in career is all done behind the scenes with instant transfer of supplies from factory to warehouse to depot to unit. We want to change that to there being actual moving units doing the supply transfer. As well, we will be adding a ground war based victory condition to the battles. There will even be missions to attack and damage the logistics system, which will of course effect the supply levels of enemy units.

Once this is done we will start work on our first expansion, a whole new era as we work our way forward in time to the present. We are intent on making this a true multiplayer large scale combined arms simulation with a dynamic campaign system as the core of the game experience. We also want it understood that this game is VR first and foremost with non-VR support. While non-VR will not be second class citizens, the game will be so much more when experienced in VR.

You may be asking how can such a small studio do all this. Our answer is one change at a time! We see our small size as an advantage and not a limitation. You may also be wondering, this game sounds awesome how can we help? The answer is by buying the game ,telling your friends about it, and providing feedback we can use to improve the game. The future for Tactical Warfare Simulation is bright , come and see how high we can soar!

Expect More.

Patch Notes 1.07

  • Training menu with videos covering most aspects of the game.
  • Additional autopilot options for Takeoff, Landing, and Cruise mode.

  • Changed the win condition for career to 25% enemy relative strength.
  • Boosted the reserve plane and pilot counts to help extend campaign
  • Fixed issue with ai going stupid and crashing when leader is lost.
  • Fixed issue with flight model stopping due to invalid aircraft entry.
  • Added sensitivity option to Interactive controls.