1. Future Fragments
  2. News
  3. About the upcoming patch

About the upcoming patch

It's come to our attention that some players have been unaware of the progress posts we've been posting in the Discussion forum for our game regarding the next patch, so to make sure people see them and know the state of upcoming content, here's links to the last two posts regarding the upcoming patch.

Post #1 (covers why we're doing larger patches now with longer gaps between them):
- https://steamcommunity.com/app/1238920/discussions/0/4352239720871462748/

Post #2 (covers some of the content coming in this month's large upcoming patch)
- https://steamcommunity.com/app/1238920/discussions/0/6361972680685823113/

The main reason for keeping them on the Discussion forum like this, was to prevent a news post prematurely hyping people up and making them think a new patch has came out, only to find out it's just a progress report about the patch and it's not out yet.

However, per this feedback we've gotten, we're now going to make all progress reports news posts as well, instead of just posting them on the Discussion boards, so that people don't miss any updates.

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns here, or on those topic links.