1. Crocotile 3D
  2. News
  3. v2.3.6


v.2.3.6 (April 18, 2024)
  • Added: "Select Overlapping Faces" action in the Edit mode context-menu. Right-click the viewport in Edit mode and go to Faces > Select > "Select Overlapping Faces" to use this action.
  • Improved: Dragging a vertex will now choose a selected vertex first if dragging from a group of overlapping vertices. If none are selected, it will choose a vertex belonging to a selected face. If no faces are selected, it will just choose the first unselected vertex.
  • Fixed: If vertex color space was set to sRGB, it wouldn't export vertex colors correctly in the .DAE format.
  • Fixed: If "Disable Vertex Selection" was enabled you would still be able to select/move vertices with WASD keys if mouse hadn't moved after clicking it.
  • Fixed: If importing a model with an extension that used capital letters, it would fail to load.

Remember to report any bugs you may encounter!

Check the Gallery to see creations by Crocotile users: http://www.crocotile3d.com/gallery
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