1. The 100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack
  2. News
  3. AFK Mode for Splat Chat works again!

AFK Mode for Splat Chat works again!

Hope you're doing well!

It was brought to my attention last week that Splat Chat's AFK mode was broken! I am so sorry to all of you that were impacted, and it's all better now. Also, once an AFK game finishes, it'll only take 10 seconds to auto-restart a game, so viewers can look at the final stats and get right back into the action.

All the fixes in this update are.....

  • AFK Mode has been fixed and is working properly for Splat Chat.
  • Splat Chat and Minesweeper 100 AFK restart timers have been set from 60 seconds to 10 seconds, so viewers can get right back into a new game.
  • Removed the Open Lobby button for Splat Chat, so it's in line with Minesweeper 100. For both of these games, the game will start 60 seconds after the first viewer types !join.
  • I feel like every single time I come back to my code it is a hideous mess and it takes me longer to figure out where I am and what on earth I was thinking when I wrote it. So I spent a few days this week cleaning up my hideous garbage code to make future changes happen faster. There is still a long way to go, but this will just keep making my life easier.

That's all for now! I appreciate all of you that have continued to give the game a try and provide feedback. These games continue to get better as more people play them on stream.

All the best!