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The 100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack News

Games start faster in Splat Chat and Minesweeper: 100

Hey there!

A very small update from Friday's build that I forgot to actually click "publish" on (until now):

  1. Once a viewer joins a game in Splat Chat or Minesweeper: 100, the game will start in 30 seconds instead of 60. Not sure if that's the best amount of time, but 60 seconds is definitely too long. Honestly, for Minesweeper: 100, I might make it so the first player to join immediately starts the game and people can join at any time, but maybe that will be an alternate mode/option.
  2. The streamer character in Splat Chat can now look left and right when they move, so you are no longer an ambiturner. One of these days I will learn how to draw walking animations, but today is not that day.
  3. Added a custom mustard hat in Splat Chat for a streamer, and connected it to their account. No one else has a mustard hat.

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback, and I hope you enjoy the new update!


AFK Mode for Splat Chat works again!

Hope you're doing well!

It was brought to my attention last week that Splat Chat's AFK mode was broken! I am so sorry to all of you that were impacted, and it's all better now. Also, once an AFK game finishes, it'll only take 10 seconds to auto-restart a game, so viewers can look at the final stats and get right back into the action.

All the fixes in this update are.....

  • AFK Mode has been fixed and is working properly for Splat Chat.
  • Splat Chat and Minesweeper 100 AFK restart timers have been set from 60 seconds to 10 seconds, so viewers can get right back into a new game.
  • Removed the Open Lobby button for Splat Chat, so it's in line with Minesweeper 100. For both of these games, the game will start 60 seconds after the first viewer types !join.
  • I feel like every single time I come back to my code it is a hideous mess and it takes me longer to figure out where I am and what on earth I was thinking when I wrote it. So I spent a few days this week cleaning up my hideous garbage code to make future changes happen faster. There is still a long way to go, but this will just keep making my life easier.

That's all for now! I appreciate all of you that have continued to give the game a try and provide feedback. These games continue to get better as more people play them on stream.

All the best!

Crash fix and engine update

Hope you're doing well!

This game has not had an update for a long time, and I appreciate a streamer reaching out to kick me into gear with a crash fix. Here are the things that got updated:

  • Crash fixes have been solved if you start an AFK mode game but no one joins.
  • On Minesweeper 100, the lobby countdown won't start until someone joins a game. If you're a streamer and want to test before you go live, type !join into the chat.
  • This will be applied to AFK versions of all games shortly.
  • I've updated to the new subscription version of GameMaker Studio 2. There are some big differences under the hood, and all my updates seem to be working properly. I've been doing a ton of testing, but anything's possible. Shoot me an email if you see anything weird. Messages on Steam don't notify me at all and it's the worst.

One last announcement is that I'll be removing access to Bombertown in a future update. Try as hard as I might, the stream delay makes it impossible for the game to work as intended. It feels like Bomberman, but slowed down to a crawl. I'll leave a secret command in case you really want to see how bad it is, but I'd rather try to put in a new game, like a 100-player rock paper scissors tournament. We'll see if I can take the time to make that happen.

That's all for now! I appreciate all of you that have continued to give the game a try and provide feedback. These games continue to get better as more people play them on stream.

All the best!

The beginning of custom rules for Minesweeper

Hope you're doing well!

It was a bigger job than I expected, but you can now set up a few custom rules for your games on Minesweeper Extreme: 100!

Yes, it's ugly, but I've run a bunch of tests and everything seems like it's in good working order. The custom rules you can set are...

  • Your HP can be 1/2/3
  • You can start with a larger board size
  • You can adjust the difficulty by selecting how many mines you start with (the middle option is normal difficulty)

In the main menu, you'll need to click Custom Game every time you want to play with these rules. If you click "Play with viewers" it will revert back to the standard rules.

If there are other rules you'd like me to prioritize, let me know at [email protected] and I'll try to bump those up in the next release.

Other changes I made in this version are...

  • Fixed a bug where incorrectly-placed Minesweeper flags were not being removed when the streamer died.
  • Fixed a bug where the time running out in Minesweeper would trigger the nuke, but not end the game if you had 2 or more HP. Now you die for real.
  • Fixed a crash bug where if a corner square and all the squares around it were completely empty, it would create an infinite loop and slow your game down until it killed the game. This took a lot of time to track down, but it's all better now!
  • I basically rewrote a lot of the systems for generating a minesweeper board. The game wasn't designed to support adjustable rules, so this took about a week to set up.

That's all the updates for today! And for those of you who have invited me into your stream to watch, or have taken the time to play and provide feedback, I am so thankful for you. You are the reason that these games are getting better and things are getting fixed. Please keep the feedback coming!

All the best,

You now get 2 HP in Minesweeper Extreme: 100

Hey there!

A small update for all you Minesweeper Extreme: 100 fans.

  1. Your character now has 2 HP instead of 1 HP. Since you can die on the first mine, this will hopefully make the game feel less unfair.
  2. When you take your first hit, you will have 5 seconds of invincibility so if you want to dig in a straight line really quick, you now have the ability to do that. But only for 5 seconds. Be quick about it.
  3. I have started writing the code which will let you customize your minesweeper games. It'll take me at least a week to have an early version of this ready. My plan is to let you change some elements of the game, such as
  • Increasing your HP (1/2/3/4)
  • Increasing the HP for everyone in the chat (1/2/3)
  • Countdown timer
  • How often earthquakes happen (15/30/45/60/90/120 seconds)
  • Earthquakes enabled/disabled
  • Size of the starting grid

Everyone has their own minesweeper preferences, so I'll do the best I can to give you some more control there.

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback, and I hope you enjoy the new update!
