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Baby Dino Adventures News

Update v135 - Food types, quality of life improvements & bug fixes

5 months have already passed since the last update and here I am again with a new one. ːsteamhappyː

The content in this update is already paving the way for the next one, but after weeks of fixing bugs and improving some features I thought it was time to release them so that I can focus on what's next: latest cave levels.

Here are some more details about what this update includes:

[h2]Additional food types[/h2]

I've been asking around on socials what kind of food you'd like to see in the game and from your responses I've added the following:






Pizza slice


On the character select screen, you can press the F keyboard key (or Y button on an Xbox controller) to swap between food types. Your food type preference will be saved automatically.

If you want to see a specific food type in the game, let me know in the comments below. I will review it and do my best to add it to the roadmap.

[h2]Quality of life improvements[/h2]

I regularly read reviews you leave on the game store page, and based on your feedbacks I added a bunch of quality improvements such as:
  • On overworld map, you can now see the total number of eggs collected;
  • If an egg has been collected already in a level, this egg will have a fade effect of 50% opacity in that level so that it is easier to understand it has been collected already. You can recollect it, but it won't be added to the total eggs you own;
  • Added some screen transition animations between the overworld map and levels;
  • Simplified layout on character select screen by removing a couple of not so useful texts and replacing them with icons and input sprites related to input method (gamepad or keyboard);
  • New input buttons and less texts on following screens: character selection screen, overworld map screen, dialogs in levels;
  • Back action on overworld map screen now redirects players to character selection screen instead of start screen;

I'd like to thank you again for giving me your feedbacks as it helps me ship a better game for you and others.

[h2]Bug fixes[/h2]
And as usual in any updates, some bug fixes such as:
  • Start screen: fixed a bug where sometimes the “Zzz” animation was shown when baby dino was walking to the right of the screen;
  • Savegame file: fixed a bug where egg collected was added twice to total eggs collected;
  • Character select screen: fixed a bug where dinos for player 2, 3 or 4 were not shown sometimes;
  • Level 17 (Beach): fixed a bug where it was impossible to break the egg crate preventing players to collect the egg in this level;
  • Level 22 (Cave): mushroom was not falling down after tnt explodes resulting in players being stuck and can not go back up to finish level;

Thanks for reading so far.

Talk to you later,
Antoine G.


Update v134 - Steam Cloud, 5 cave levels & some bug fixes

Time for an update!
Here is what's new with version 134. ːsteamhappyː

[h2]Steam Cloud[/h2]

It's been a while since I wanted to create another save system for the game. More efficient, more flexible, and above all effortless for players.

That's why I'm very happy to announce that the game is now compatible with Steam Cloud, meaning that saves are automatically synchronized across multiple computers if needed.

I tested it myself and it works very well. I started a game on my desktop computer (running Windows), resumed the game on my laptop (running Linux) and then finished the game on the SteamDeck.

That said, as the save system has been rebuilt from scratch when you launch the update (v134), you'll need to uninstall the game completely first. In the future, however, you shouldn't have to do this. The game will merge the new files and the save file.

[h2]5 new cave levels[/h2]

As mentioned in the last beta update posted in July earlier this year, I've added the first 5 levels of World 3 (Cave). These levels are now available in production, so there's no longer any need to use the beta branch.

In the meantime, I'm continuing to work on the next levels. I've removed the "All Cave levels completed" achievement, as until world 3 is completed this achievement doesn't really make sense. It will be added later, once development on this world is completed.

[h2]About translations[/h2]

I've created an article in the game community about translations.

You can find the article here: A word around translations.

In summary, I've decided to remove the translations from the Steam store page because I plan to completely revise its content soon and also because I've decided to concentrate first on adding content to the game.
Existing translations will of course remain in the game. And once worlds 3, 4 and 5 are completed, I intend to create another shared file for the translations so that those who wish to help me translate the game into their languages can do so.

[h2]Bug fixes[/h2]

As usual, this update comes with a bunch of small improvements here and there, as well as a few bug fixes that should enhance the gameplay experience.

Thanks for reading so far.

Talk to you later,
Antoine G.


World 3: Cave - 5 additional levels now available in the beta branch

Title sums it all. I pushed a new update on the beta branch of the game which includes the boss fight with the pterodactyl, and 5 first levels of the cave environment.

The update should be stable enough in solo, but may have a few bugs here and there in co-op.
Feedbacks on difficulty are also very welcome.
I'll leave this update in the beta branch until end of August waiting for feedbacks from testers and players and then push it to production if everything goes well.

I'll try to stick to this workflow in the future. I mean releasing small updates on the beta branch with upcoming levels, leave them a moment for testing & debugging, then push to production and so on.

I plan to publish such updates every 3 to 6 months max, depending on my availability to work on the game in my free time.

Talk to you later,
Antoine G.


Poll: vote for Spider Queen's name

I am about to release a new content update on the beta branch this summer with 5 first levels of the new Cave environment. This level with the Spider Queen will be included, and will be the third one of World 3.
The only last thing I need to push the update is a name for our dear 8 legged lady.

In a recent tweet I asked for name ideas and honestly it was a blast to read your nice suggestions. As I did for previous NPCs, I created a poll to help me make a decision and I would like you to make a choice following your preferences.

Level design-wise you start this level like other ones with a NPC. Once dialog ends, your quest starts. You have to help the Spider Queen reach the end of the Cave by toggling on/off red and blue blocks. If Spider Queen is not on the ground, she will spread a spider web and will stay in the air safely. Jump on her back to make her walk again. That's the main mechanic you'll have to deal with in the whole level, plus ofcourse a few extra secret areas.

Please, make sure to enter your vote before July 10, 2023:
->Google Form link to enter your vote
Talk to you later,
Antoine G.

Here are a few ways to get in touch:

Hotfix v131-2 SteamOS & SteamDeck fix

Since the last update back in January this year, some of you recently reported that the game was not working anymore on SteamOS and on the SteamDeck.

It took me some time to figure things out. Apparently this bug is on a more higher level as it affects all games on Steam that are using NWJS technology as a wrapper for native builds. Valve is also working on an official fix. Anyway before waiting for that official fix, here is a quick update we - together with some other Steam players - have been testing on the beta branch and that seems to work fine.

If you want to learn more about this issue, you can find the related Steam forum post here.

Thanks again for your help and for playing Baby Dino Adventures.
I'm going back to work on World 3 levels.

Talk to you soon,
Antoine G. :coolcera: