1. Bud Masters - Battle Edition
  2. News
  3. v0.18.837 - History UI/UX + Card / Ability Fixes

v0.18.837 - History UI/UX + Card / Ability Fixes

I have been smoothing out some of the issues with many of the more advanced abilities. The history logging system is also working as intended with much more game feedback than previous patches!

A little under 2 weeks before launch day! Expect more beta and Early Access patches over the coming days.

[h2]PATCH NOTES[/h2]
- UI/UX: Card ability description font has been changed due to legibility issue feedback
- CARD FIX: 'Dazed & Confused' - attacking card now treats owned card as a full enemy
- CARD FIX: 'Zen Master' - the icon issues have been resolved
- CARD REWORK: 'The Retriever' - now requires a blank space to pull opponent card into + remains on board! (if no space it will damage + stun opponent)

- ABILITY FIX: 'Possess' / 'Swap Owner' abilities fire correctly in PvP
- ABILITY FIX: 'Target Own' ability issues resolved (more testing todo!)
- HISTORY FOR PSYCHIC MOMENT: Checking history will show what card was copied - 'I know that you know that I know...'
- GRAVEYARD FIX: 'Instant Karma' correctly shows in the graveyard after ability use
- UI/UX: Main Menu single player button

Single player puts the game into Offline mode so you can play vs AI offline without a net connection. The HOST LAN checkbox option also puts the game into offline mode and allows for local LAN play.

GLHF and thank you for your support!
- Jono

X: @SBGamesHive42