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Ash of Legends News

Roadmap July 2021

Hi Players! Last month, we ran a poll on discord where you rated the features you would like to see. The top 3 results are: 1) A new scene, 2) Multiplayer co-op, 3) A new playable hero.

We are happy to announce a new Forest scene is dropping in a few weeks! The Forest introduces a new game mechanic, vastly different from any other scene. For the first time you’ll meet our friendly sheeple! If you haven’t unlocked the normal difficulty yet, in the Forest you will encounter a new enemy, unlock two new weapons, a new tower, and a new trap. Game play and performance will be ready. We wanted to give you an early look before completing animations, audio, and atmosphere.

A new playable hero is coming in the next few months! We promise the same missions will feel significantly different. Sadly, multiplayer co-op will have to wait till next year.

Other things that are dropping in a few weeks are:
  • New Assault rifle and Sniper rifle skins. We want to make them look like one-handed weapons with a working holographic sight and sniper display.
  • An Early Access supporter bow skin.

In a few months:
  • We are working on another scene with a different feel to it.
  • We are evaluating a new challenge mode.
  • We will upgrade the look of some enemies.

Please let us know what you think in Discord (https://discord.gg/xGE78wk) or Steam (https://steamcommunity.com/app/1280290/discussions/).

Early Access Supporter Bow Skin + Summer Sale discount

[h3]We are joining Steam's Summer Sale from June 24 to July 8. Support an indie dev, buy our early access game on discount![/h3]

We believe our game is production quality and is complete enough to sell at this point. On our journey to full release next year we plan to double the artwork and gameplay. Our developer, 3 artists, and 2 fulltime dev testers have spent countless hours over the past 2 years to get to this quality and I think it shows. With your support we could double our team from 6 to 12 and deliver a near-AAA game over the next few years.

Bow skin to be given in our next update targeted end-of-July.

Forklift and Next Fest small update

Forklifts in the Hangar

We added moving forklifts in the Hangar plus a small surprise ;).
Demo updated for Steam Next Fest

Version 0.2.9 - Small update - 6/3/2021

  1. Updated the demo for the Steam Next Fest.
  2. Added forklifts to the Hangar.
  3. You can now switch hands.*
  4. Nerfed enemy accuracy based on relative speed.*
  5. Fixed WMR saber throwing.*
  6. Added loading screen for WMR.*
  7. Added official HP Reverb support (controller models for tutorial, etc).
  8. Loot boxes now beep so players can find them easily.
  9. Changed the skin of the saber.
  10. Moved some mangroves so players can see snipers shooting at them.
  11. Made mangroves slightly different sizes.
  12. You can now jump properly with arm swing.
  13. When arm swing is selected, the locomotion tutorial sign was wrong.
  14. Oculus controller models in the tutorial were off by 2 inches.
  15. Wooden crates should now break into pieces correctly, every time.
  16. Fixed some enemies in Hangar going long way around wooden crates.
  17. Player now respawns on top floor.
  18. Minimap has a triangle in the center representing the player.
  19. Loot will not roll traps/ammo when inventory is 90% full.
  20. Fixed wooden crates in the Hangar were glowing.

* - community requested features

Bow and Arrow, Atmosphere, Mangroves, and Arm Swing update

[h2]Bow and Arrow[/h2]
This two-handed weapon was a gift from the ancient Andromendans. Double the power means double the fun! Unlocked by completing Hangar in normal difficulty.

The best graphics cards deserve the best visuals. The changing weather adds tension and suspense, a sign of imminent danger. Currently, only the Orchard and River have atmosphere. This will soon be extended to all outdoor scenes.

[h2]Mangroves in the River[/h2]
All rivers should have mangroves. They just look so cool :).

Version 0.2.8 - Regular update - 5/15/2021

  1. New weapon: Bow and Arrow!!! Unlocked by completing Hangar in normal difficulty.
  2. New Atmosphere for the best graphics cards! 3D clouds, day/evening cycle, rain, etc.
  3. Added mangrove trees to the River!
  4. New Arm swing locomotion!
  5. Swinging while grappling now swings faster and it's configurable!
  6. Visible magazine counter while shooting.
  7. Hangar normal has 20% less enemies.
    ------------ community requested -------------
  8. Expanded options menu in main menu including Sound FX volume.*
  9. Added options for continuous and discrete smooth turning.*
  10. Made "Break the chains" and "You have completed the tutorial" signs more noticeable.*
  11. When in locomotion mode "Follow Head" and on a hovercraft, thumbstick click makes you go up.*
  12. Arm goes transparent when looking at the wristwatch.*
    ------------ tutorial related -------------
  13. In the tutorial, hands now become transparent showing the controller model with a highlighted button.
  14. In the tutorial build room, blinking schematics makes it clearer you have to build a ceiling before placing a ceiling trap.*
  15. In the tutorial, made "press blue button on wristwatch" HUD message an in-world sign for more immersion.*
  16. Tutorial signs now change immediately when the player changes options.
    ------------ other -------------
  17. Completion stars in the main menu.
  18. In the main menu, weapons indicate in which scene they unlock.
  19. Fixed Oculus hand offset. They should be closer to where your real hands are now.
  20. Added "Inventory value", "Coins", and "Total value" to end-of-leg statistics.
  21. Made AOE weapons level up slower to match single target removal weapons.
  22. Allowed teleporting around main menu, was previously confined to small area in front of table.

* - community requested features


Version 0.2.7 - Hotfix

  1. In tutorial build room, fixed green hightlights following walls when placing.