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  3. Version 1.08c now in BETA

Version 1.08c now in BETA

Version 1.08c now in BETA
Feb 28 2021

Torpedoes and depth charges no longer factored into Time Compression availability
Time compression filtered by air attack distance 250,200
Mission file guadalcanal1 - corrected references to Akatsuki class ships (originally listed under Fubuki Class)
Fixed Malaita typo in tutorial missions and campaign001 objectives
Fixed submerged speed penalty on submarines for loss of propellers and electric engines
Fixed submarine cavitation when propulsion offline
Surface radar no longer provides Solution bonus against submerged targets
Yorktown and Shokaku data.txt "aircraftTotal":[24,24,24] to more historically accurate values
Added "minute= min" to dictionary/general.txt

Campaign ammo preview corrected for ships having performed bombardments
Scout aircraft default to 1 aircraft when preparing to launch
Added display for Endurance and Cooldown when launching aircraft/switching payloads (dictionary/general.txt AirLaunchData)
Language/campaign_message.txt added "MaxFlight" message

setup.txt file edits:
- postEngageSeaCooldown decreased to 30 min
- Added 300x time compression rate, timeCompression:[0,1,60,300,600,1800]
- Reduced maxCampaignDetectionRange:50.0 to 35 km

config.txt file edits:
- aircraftLaunchCooldown:0
- New variable "maxInFlight":12
- Flights from ships and airbases now limited by "maxInFlight":12