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  3. 1.3 Update - Affinity System, QoL and Arsenal preview!

1.3 Update - Affinity System, QoL and Arsenal preview!

Hello everyone!

We just released the 1.3 version on PC. This new version is focused on elements often requested by the community.

[h3]Patch Note[/h3]

Find the full Patch-Notes of 1.3 here -

[h3]Affinity System[/h3]

The most frequent request and complaint about the game since its 1.0 release was the lack of Synergy of your build during your run. Wanting to go in a direction and loots would go in another direction gave the feeling of being unlucky during the runs.

We have created a new system called the Affinity System that increases synergies of the loots depending of your current build so you are more likely to make a fully coherent build at the end of your run. Keep in mind that keeping some flexibility on the loots you find is still important, if you find something very powerful, you might still want to re-orient your build during your run!

We have also made Auras rarities stand out more on your interface.

[h3]Destiny Fragments[/h3]

You will now be able to get up to 3 Destiny Fragments at once per Zodiac victory!

The way it currently works in 1.2 is this :

  • You get 1 Destiny Fragment per Zodiac per Destiny Level (up to 54) and the Master gives 3 fragments per level, you can at best get 7 fragments in a run.
  • If you defeat a Zodiac at a high Destiny Level, you will only get 1 Destiny Fragment and it will increase by 1 the Destiny Level you need to get a new fragment of this Zodiac.
  • Ex : if you have all fragments of Taurus at Destiny Level 10, if you beat him at Destiny Level 20 you will get his 11th fragment, and you will need to beat him at Destiny Level 12 or more to get one new fragment.

This system is slow, does not reward players wanting to take more risks in higher Destiny Levels and it exhausts the Master Destiny Fragments much faster than the Zodiacs fragments, this is how the 1.3 system works :

  • You get from 1 to 3 destiny Fragments per Zodiacs depending on the difference between your current Destiny Level and the number of Destiny Fragments already collected from the Zodiacs.
  • Ex : if you have all fragments of Taurus at Destiny level 10, if you beat him at Destiny Level 13 you will get 3 fragments. Then you will need to beat him at Destiny Level 14 or more to get new Destiny Fragments.
  • The Master still gives 3 Destiny Fragment per Destiny Level and you cannot collect several ranks at once so your maximum Destiny Fragments per run is now 15 and the Master and Zodiacs fragments would exhaust at the same time if you win all your Destiny Levels runs.

[h3]Improved Descriptions[/h3]

We have made descriptions for Effects, Player Statuses and Elite Aspects much clearer adding details for how they work, durations, chances to add stacks in order to give you a clearer idea of what to expect from each of these elements.

Some Astral Auras also used Common Spells without giving informations on them, they now have the descriptions added as hints.

[h3]Permanent spell icon[/h3]

We added an option to make next spell icon always visible above your head. We know this option can help players having an hard time checking the icon during action.

[h3]Astral Dragons [/h3]

Small Astral Dragon now gives 3 Auras to choose from instead of 2 so you have more choices to start your build during the run.

We have also replaced the Void Catalyst element that increased strength when killing enemies without being hit by Barbecue's Grace giving the Echo of Barbecue to reroll the Auras you do not want with new Auras of same rarity. This gives even more choices to build during your runs.

[h3]Darker Background Option[/h3]

In order to give more options related to readibility, we added an option to make everything in background darker so enemies and players stand out much more.

[h3]Ultimate Challenge[/h3]

We sponsored Gellot ,a great content creator that performs very hard challenges on games, to do all Zodiacs no-hit at Destiny Level 6 which sounds ridicously hard but that wasn't even close to the challenge he did, making a no-hit on all Zodiacs at Destiny Level 54, it sounds really impossible but he made it!

Send him some love in the comments of the video for the incredible performance this is!


[h3]Arsenal Update Preview[/h3]

The Arsenal will be the next update, the 1.4, it will give each Hero 2 new weapons and 3 passives modifying gameplay of each hero, including for their base weapons.

We announced Ayla will have a Katana giving her more impactful attacks with a longer range.

Kiran will have a Double Falchions for large range attacks at a slower pace but keeping high mobility.

Octave will have a Rocket Launcher to kill enemies from far but without auto-targeting, you will need to position correctly to hit your enemies, a bit similar to the one from Hades.

Below, Octave has a passive creating grenades on the third Basic Attack.

Calie will have Spears, all Signature Spells will keep working the same so the spears will create gems when attacking.

And today we announce the second weapon of Octave : the Gunblade! Giving him the ability to fight at a closer range.

We are targetting for this update to release by the end of April 2024.

Have an excellent day

-The Hibernian Workshop