1. SCP: Nine-Tailed Fox
  2. News
  3. v0.2.10 | Patch Notes

v0.2.10 | Patch Notes

We've decided to backport fixes from version 0.3.0 into this one, aiming to enhance stability, improve performance, and ensure that all players have a smoother and more enjoyable experience as they navigate the eerie and unpredictable halls of SCP: Nine-Tailed Fox.

We appreciate the community's patience and invaluable feedback. Thank you for helping us make SCP: Nine-Tailed Fox the best it can be!

  • Added dgVoodoo library (by Dege) as an attempt to fix crashes and performance issues that many users with modern AMD and NVIDIA GPUs encountered.
  • Added disclaimers at the beginning of the game, warning about the game being in early access and seizure warnings.
  • Fixed poor performance with text, caused by the localization system.
  • Fixed loading screens image size getting bigger with each loading screen appearance.
  • Improved the performance of some GUI functions.
  • An attempt to smooth out the mouse look.
  • Some memory usage optimizations and fixed memory leaks (many of which are fixed by Jabka).
  • Fixed an issue with USP where the model was incorrectly mirrored.
  • Changes related to launcher:
    • Added the ability to select GPU, replaces the graphics mode dropdown menu;
    • The fullscreen mode now applies only if game resolution matches monitor resolution.

  • General map generation improvements:

    • Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze upon starting a new game, caused by the map generation failure.
    • Fixed softlocks in SCP-513, SCP-914 and SCP-966 containment chambers.
    • Decreased the map size for Entrance Zone from 12 to 9 units;
    • Decreased the map size for Light and Heavy Containment Zones from 18 to 12 units;
    • An attempt to fix the map layout of LCZ and HCZ being identical.
  • Weapon related changes:

    • Fixed a bug with shotgun where it could be turned into a rifle by spamming the reload button;
    • Fixed the guns shooting if player has an item equipped from the inventory;
    • Fixed Radio Transceiver channel switching not working because of weapon selection;
    • Player now holsters the weapon when using S-Nav or Radio items and brings the weapon back when the items are not in use;
    • Fixed the player using iron sight after discarding an item with the right mouse button.
  • Many improvements for S-NAV Navigators:

    • Generally optimized the code for S-NAV Navigators;
    • Fixed performance issues caused by S-Nav Navigators due to duplicate rendering logic;
    • Fixed S-Nav Navigator Ultimate crashing the game if SCP-173 or SCP-106 where contained or do not exist;
    • Moved the SCP circle detection right where the player's triangle position is located.
  • Improvements in Pocket Dimension:

    • Fixed trenches. They now work just like in original SCP - Containment Breach;
    • Fixed fog colors in some cases, as well as fog color change after loading a save file;
    • Fixed decals not appearing after leaving Pocket Dimension;
    • Fixed a game crash when leaving Pocket Dimension caused by failing to find a good room to teleport to.
  • Many fixes for SCP-970 room:

    • Fixed occasional game crash related to items in the inventory;
    • Fixed the updating code for doors when player is going through the doors inside the room;
    • Fixed camera hiccup when going through doors;
    • Other minor fixes.
  • Fixed a game crash when player gets fully infected by SCP-008.
  • Fixed the gamemode reset after loading a save file while having Classic Mode ticked/unticked in the New Game tab.
  • Fixed a bug where SCP-427 was not applying any effects on the player (by HonestResolv3).
  • Fixed player falling down through metal grates in the grated hallway room (room2_pipes_1) after loading a save file.
  • Fixed SCP-1048-A reappearing in some conditions when the ear bear suppose to be hidden.
  • Fixed SCP-096's idle ambient sound playing even if player teleports far away.
  • Added a small delay for D-Class before they start shooting.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to load into a new zone if player dies or gets kidnapped by SCP-106 in the checkpoint room.
  • Fixed a bug where the light sprites would be drawn in the room where player died if player respawns far away.
  • Fixed a bug where the announcements would play even if player hasn't open the Gate A blast doors yet.
  • Fixed blood decals from the Entrance Zone lockroom (lockroom_2) appearing in other 2C shaped rooms.
  • Fixed MTF teammates sometimes getting stuck at the Entrance Zone checkpoint.
  • Fixed SCP-049's catwalk event in the four-way room (room4_1).
  • Fixed medibay (room2_medibay) props being untextured.
  • Fixed SCP-012's paper glowing inside its chamber.
  • Fixed the smoke appearing in wrong places in the tunnel room (room2_tunnel_2) depending on room's rotation.
  • Optimized and improved the code for events in following rooms: SCP-173 containment chamber (cont_173), SCP-500 and SCP-1499 chamber (cont_500_1499), Toilets room (room2_toilets).
  • Some code improvements related to doors and buttons.

  • Added text filtering to the server list (this includes server name, gamemode name, and the map).
  • In Waves, an attempt to fix items breaking and glitching during the Multiplayer playthrough.
  • In Waves, moved the fuse sprite a bit higher to not obstruct the model on the floor.
  • In Waves, fixed a bug where dying by a tentacle would not count up as an actual death.
  • Fixed player tags not appearing for users with AMD GPUs.

...and other small fixes and improvements overall.

  • Brightness setting and blur effect currently aren’t working at all.
  • On some computers, the blinking fade-in can be bugged and appear semi-transparent.