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Walthros: Renewal News

Patch Notes 4/3/23

-Adjusted boss stats for Bogmagog battle.
-Typo fixed in Double Poke description.
-Possible fix for Save option not being available in rare circumstances.

Happy Birthday Bob!

April 2nd, 1992, was the date I drew Sky Flyers #1, the very first comic starring Bob Surlaw. I was eight years old, and a fish with a lot of chin was the funniest thing in the world! To celebrate that day, anyone who launches Walthros: Renewal on 4/2 will receive some free, unique equipment.

3/26/23 Patch Notes

-Fixed a misnumbered bestiary entry.
-Minor maptile fixes.
-Fix to prevent a specific key item from being resold after obtaining.
-Fixed a door graphic in Grey Shrine that could appear closed even after opening (did not impede function.)
-Title screen no longer shows Continue or Load Game options if there's no save data to load from.
-Bug fix for rare circumstances where players could continue to move while the main menu is open.
-Fixed a typo on character ability list.

3/22/23 Patch Notes

-Fixed a typo.
-Updated equipment settings for temporary character L.
-Bug fix to one buggy room in Grey Shrine.
-Fixed an issue with stuck text after healing outside of battle depending on party composition.

3/21/23 Patch Notes

-Minor map tile fixes.
-Removed Extra XP/Gold Earned options from Settings, combining options was causing unexpected errors. May add back later with some changes. For now, enemies on easy mode have received XP/Gold boosts.
-Rebalanced enemy speed stats when battles are set to Active Mode.
-Bug Fix: HP/MP was not being updated on main menu display after healing outside of battle.
-Adding loading screen that pops up in rare circumstances where the game appears to hang for a second.
-Added some fixes for Auto Battle mode.