1. Wall Ninja
  2. News
  3. Wall Ninja v2.1.0

Wall Ninja v2.1.0

MrSliddes here.

Wall Ninja v2.1.0 makes the game a bit easier to play. You can now have the option to show a stamina bar (or circle to be more precise) to show how long you can hold on the wall until you fall off. This can be toggled off for those that want more of a challenge.
The learning curve of the game has been lowered instead of the 90 degree slope it used to be. Area's are now more "fall proof".

The update list:
+ Player now has a circular stamina bar when gripping a wall, showing how much time is left until he falls off
+ Gave painter pete an extra scentence
+ Made Sewers easier
+ Made Bamboo Wilderness easier
+ Made Castle Gates easier
+ Made Blossom Tree easier
+ Made Castle Roof easier
+ Added directional signs over the place for the people that forgot that the only direction is up
+ Updated some sprites
+ Toggle for stamina bar to hide it
+ Reduced game file size from 1.2 GB to 300 MB (somebody found out how to correctly compress audio files)
+ Added test support for Xbox One Controller, this will be upgraded to full controller support in a future update
+ Being inside Castle now lowers wind volume
+ Removed some bugs

If you find any bugs that I forgot to remove please let me know via the community discussion board.

Happy wall jumping!