2. News
  3. SAMURAI SHODOWN Beta 3 Rollback Patch ID 12666884 is live!

SAMURAI SHODOWN Beta 3 Rollback Patch ID 12666884 is live!

Technical details:
  • Improvement to end of round packets that may fix some KO problems
  • Fix for SSM gold screen being triggered multiple times
  • Addition of in-game display of ping (QREP) and stalls (LIMIT STALL)
  • Fixes for Kazuki's floating fireball and Rimururu's Konru familiar

If you get stalls, it will probably stop updating, and then come back with a large value (say, 1000, meaning a second).
If you see "LIMIT STALL" it means your player has gotten 20 frames ahead of the other and is suspending input.

For any discovered bugs, feel free to report your findings here:
Technical Support
Please do be concise and accurate with any reports, as it makes it easier for us to test and replicate them!

Thank you!


In order to join the beta, right-click on SAMURAI SHODOWN’s properties inside Steam, select the Betas tab and then select "Rollback Beta 3" from the drop-down menu. That will prompt an update on Steam with the early beta version of SAMURAI SHODOWN with updated rollback netcode.

This beta version can only match players against other Beta version users, but you can opt out at any time by selecting "NONE" under the Betas tab. We hope you enjoy and look forward to your feedback!

*For those who have already accessed the beta through the public branch (this one slipped past us!) and have yet to join the beta branch officially, then please do so as the update you will be prompted for will be for the official, non-rollback version.