1. MannaRites
  2. News
  3. Adrenaline Update is here!

Adrenaline Update is here!

Heeey! 👋
I'm happy to introduce the final regular update to MannaRites - Adrenaline Update! 🎉
This update finally brings the version of the game to 1.0, which means that the game is finally complete with all the planned features and content! 👊😊 (Well, almost all the planned features)

[h3]What's new in this update?[/h3]
  • New playable character - Kellet the Monk, martial artist. He's using adrenaline to power his abilities, and he's definitely not the guy to mess with! 😊 As he gains adrenaline by attacking or blocking, his attack speed increases and he's able to use either offensive ability - "lightning strikes", a series of devastating strikes, - or defensive ability - "healing seal", which heals everybody around Monk (including enemies!). He also have other unique features, such as offensive quick getup, slide tackle etc. - check him out, he's a lot of fun!
  • Improvements for Wizard - character from the previous update, check him out as well 😊
  • Community content - new enemies and new game mode. Check it out in the "Community" section of the Main Menu!
  • New long-awaited (probably 😊) "Beer Quest" and a bunch of new potions (along with the new system of recharging potions - some potions can be drunk multiple times per level now). Find the special beer roots on the repeatable levels and brew the strongest Root Beer you can think of!
  • Ambushes! ⚔️ Now it's not that safe to traverse the Ijmeria island in the open map mode! Enemies are looking for you, beware
  • New levels in both Campaign and Adventure Mode
  • Gazillion of minor bugs fixed (prob added a couple of new ones in the process 🤦‍♂️)
  • 5 new Steam achievements. We all love achievements, right?
  • The final mission now shows the amount of completed side-quests. For those who complete the main campaign with 100% of side-quests done - a little surprise after the final cutscene 😊

Here's a short teaser of the new update:


A bit on future plans. I will do the Linux build and, after a bit of work, an improved Android build, but generally speaking I'm finally stepping away from the Chapter 1 to concentrate on working on Chapter 2 (and possible other projects in parallel). I'll still support Chapter 1 and fix the bugs (if any of them dares to show up), but I'm not planning any major content updates for this game any time soon.

[h3]Well it's been quite a ride![/h3] 😊
Almost four years ago I've posted the very first gameplay video of MannaRites (back then it was MannaRocks actually 😂, it can still be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIxxm5RGch0 And now look at us - full-featured and released game! 🎉 I can't even begin to express my gratitude to you guys for playing MannaRites, leaving positive reviews and sharing feedback! For you it's probably just another game in your massive Steam library, but for me it was an infinite source of joy and motivation to grow, to continue making games of my own!
Thank you for this incredible experience, which I will carry with me for the rest of my life! ❤️