1. Birthright
  2. News
  3. v0.26 - Limb Dismemberment, New Food system and New spawn system

v0.26 - Limb Dismemberment, New Food system and New spawn system

[h3]Dismemberment and Gore[/h3]

Mesh Merging is finilized this Patch by now also include Horses. At the same time several optimizations were done on Horses, and like Humans same equiped models share instances for best performance and memory footprint.

Now when we are done introducing Mesh Merging, Dismemberment of Limbs is back for more Gore! As of now only on Humans but will add for Horses and more in later Patches.

[h3]New Food System[/h3]

The food system has revamp all food and ingredients. Previously some complex food required 4-5 ingredients which is extremely hard to maintain for little benefit. And Bread was the king of foods to maintain your army.

Many ingredients now have been cut down to reduce the clutter (example only 2 types of fishes now exist + 1 very special, the Gold Eel). While making the cooked food easier to make it overal feels like there are much more Food options now compared to before.
To balance this one new ingredient were added: Salt. (Mines produce Salt in various degree depending on Upgrade).

Now each of the better cooked food require 2-3 ingredients only and each give a unique Buff to everyone eating it.

Beer Barrels also give a hefty combat Buff if Soldiers consume it with Food. But ifthere is no food, they will get a bad debuff because of drinking on empty stomach.

[h3]New Spawn Systems[/h3]

On World Map spawning was previously based on Pathing to Player which was not reliable enough for many scenarious. So now it strictly use placed areas on the World Map for all types of spawns to make sure it is controlled (example nothing can no longer spawn in the vicinity of The Citadel unless it's a special City POI's that should spawn there).

Combat Spawn is also heavily changed because the previous way could not handle the Chaos that errupts when you push to the extreme with several Lords/Players entering on both sides for Battles/Sieges. Or if anyones army is camping on spawn positions when Reserves spawn, eventually something would go wrong.
Now it will properly probe a grid of 100 possible spots simulating insertion of a Character + Horse to find a safe spot, for each character.

[h3]Other fixes[/h3]

Fight Pit has been rebalanced to better increase the difficulty when joining the tryout quest. And with it the rewards are much greater
Arenas now pay more for sold Prisoners

  • Initial Start Story has changed all Food the Player can get at start
  • Changed minimum Spawn in combat from 5 to 20 regardless of Spawn Ratio
  • Fixed MP server event when a Player joins the server to display Long Title
  • Fixed rider immdeiately falling to ground when Horse is killed
  • Fixed a bug in arena/fight pit where Player could loose army
  • Fixed a bug when Player used Bow
  • Fixed Weekly event Wheel of Fortunes spawn point in The Citadel
  • Fixed MP fetching childrens families in Family Panel
  • Fixed several issues with Siege Progress marker
  • Fixed a spawn point issues in WestmarkVillage2 map
  • Fixed several issues in Fight Pit/Arena thanks to reports from Rigo1
  • Fixed Red Sea (Desert) Tax to be properly saved when changed
  • Fixed Desert random Battle Maps does not include Village maps
  • Fixed UI bug when talking to Follower from Character Panel