1. Alien Dawn
  2. News
  3. Alien Dawn "TOP 20 INDIE VR GAMES OF 2023" + NEWS

Alien Dawn "TOP 20 INDIE VR GAMES OF 2023" + NEWS

Hi All,

As it is the 6th and still less than a week into 2023 I can still say, Happy New Year!

In some exciting news, IndieVR has added Alien Dawn to it's "TOP 20 INDIE VR GAMES OF 2023" list and highlight video. (Alien Dawn is the first up in the video at 1:24)

It's always been one of the goals to have Alien Dawns on lists like this, so I can't say how much I appreciate them for believing in what we are creating. This channel is doing a great thing for VR indie devs by choosing to focus on these handcrafted titles. Please support the channel by taking a look!

I'll also be on the IndieVR podcast in the next week telling an in-depth story about how VoyagerVR and Alien Dawn got started. I'll be posting the link when it comes out.

Unreal 5.1

In terms of game development, it's been decided that the correct move forward was to prepare the game to be ported to Unreal 5.1 and that process has begun.

With the major improvements to the engine and the refactoring of the games code, this will be the correct foundation the game has needed and I can't wait to have it done.

Hope you all are well and please check out the IndieVR YouTube Channel!
