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  3. Alien Dawn 1.21 Preview - Looking for Play Testers

Alien Dawn 1.21 Preview - Looking for Play Testers

Hey yall, Xtian here.

I'm close to releasing the next version of Alien Dawn (1.21), which is the first update since releasing the Unreal Engine 5 version, and a lot more has been smoothed out since then.

This update is primarily focused on quality-of-life game play & performance improvements.

The biggest hurdle I've overcome in this update are the multiple solutions I had to find that ensure smooth gameplay throughout each playthrough, in particular on harder difficulties with hundreds of NPCs in the world. I plan to do an in-depth video going over this journey, but for now I want to get this update released.

I've never seen the game play better, but I want to get some more feedback before I release this update.

If you have some time to do this, I would love to hear from you and have your help, just DM on Discord.