1. Draft of Darkness
  2. News
  3. Update Notes for Patch v1.2.8.p2

Update Notes for Patch v1.2.8.p2

* Fixed a crash occurring with the Robbery event.
* Fixed an error with the Beast Claw item.
* Added a safeguard where translation errors now won't cause crashes but show a translation error text instead.
* Fixed a crash with the Earth-Eroding Worm enemy.
* Fixed several errors in card and item descriptions.
* (Enemy) Earth-Eroding Worm: Blood Rush: Bloodlust layers 4->2, cooldown: 6->30, use HP percentage: 50%->30%. Melt Eyes: Use HP percentage 70%->30%, Cooldown 4->8.
* Increased the Challenge Gem rewards of some of the challenges. You should get the extra rewards if you've already completed them.

Apologies for the frequent patches. It has become a tradition to send out panic bugfix patches following a major update. There may be a few more daily fix patches in the coming days.