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  2. News
  3. V0.11 Open For Testing

V0.11 Open For Testing

Hey everyone!

Stardeus v0.11 major update is now open for public testing. If you would like to try it and provide early feedback, follow these steps to activate it:
  1. Right-click Stardeus in your Steam library.
  2. Choose "Properties."
  3. Select the "Betas" tab.
  4. Choose "v0_11_alpha" from the dropdown.

Beware, this version still contains some bugs and rough edges, so participate only if you're feeling adventurous. Bug reports and feedback are greatly appreciated.

Discuss the update on Discord in the #stardeus-v_11 channel.

The v0.11 update will launch for everyone in about a month. See you then!

- spajus

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