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  2. News
  3. Release 0.5.2 Beta

Release 0.5.2 Beta

Hello everyone,

This is another bug fix release, available on the beta branch. Here I mostly focused on issues preventing players from getting to the late game because of frustrating issues. Thank you again to pops for reporting so many issues, that's helped improve the stability of the game immensely.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]

  • Fixed an issue where rerouted items would cause hangups in the item delivery system, this would cause buildings to just never receive items even after rebuilding them.
  • Fixed a weird issue with the portal transition

[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]

  • Oil per resource space 100 max => 1000 max
  • Deuterium 200 FLI => 150
  • Deuterium Crafting Speed 2 => 1.75

The Deuterium changes were net zero but were required due to some weird issues with the physics in the fluid calculations.

[h2]Known Issues[/h2]

  • There seems to be a common crash on integrated graphics, I am still looking into this. Likely an upgrade to the unity engine version will fix this.


This will likely be the last bug fix patch for this release, especially with 1.0 coming in less than a month. However if there are some more very substantial issues I'm more than willing to send out another release next week.

Thanks again everyone and have a great weekend,


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCwEkbpmzIaxdEfdVTQEINw
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/yY9wHNn
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/boppygames
Website: https://boppygames.gg