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Human Diaspora News

Human Diaspora will now be available as a free game

I, Leocesar3D, the developer of Human Diaspora, made an important decision regarding the game's pricing structure, and I would like to share the details with the game community.

I am thrilled to announce that Human Diaspora will now be available as a free game on the Steam platform and I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who supported me by purchasing the game on release, almost three years ago.

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who believed in the game and supported me by purchasing it. After careful consideration, I have decided to transition the game to a free-to-play model. I believe that by removing the price barrier, the game can reach an even wider audience and allow more players to explore it.

I hope that this decision to make Human Diaspora free will be met with excitement and enthusiasm. I am excited to welcome new players into the community. Thank you once again for your support. I could not have come this far without you.


The developer of Human Diaspora

Character controller update

Changes for this update:

1) Head bobbing, camera shake and bullet time disabled by default but can be enabled in the settings menu. It will give more control over the aiming;

2) Reduced gun bullet spread by half, it gives the bullets a more predictable out trajectory;

3) Added more music tracks. They are listed in the credits.

4) Minor tweaks and bug fixing.

Sonic update

This update makes the player character (Player Controller) more agile:

- increased gravity feel;

- higher jump;

- the player has more control over the movement.


Player controller: there is little to no acceleration or deceleration of player movement;

Bullet time: time slowdown does not affect the mouse-look;

Joypad: removed a little bug that affected the player's weapon sway;

Thanks for player feedback that pinpointed some issues.

See you next time!

Version 1.0 and the end of Early Access

Exactly twenty months from the Early Access release, I present you version 1.0 of Human Diaspora. I am thrilled about the current form the game took shape. I thank all players that gave me constructive feedback during this period.

So, what the future holds?

I’ll still support the game lifetime with bug fixes and new content. The game uses Godot engine and I’ll probably port it to version 4.0 of the tool when it arrives, because it has some visual and performance improvements that I am interested and would benefit the game.

That’s it for now. Thank you and see you next time!

Retreat and regroup update

Hi, it has been a while. Hope you are well.

By the end of last year, I released the Open World Update with high hopes of delivering a bigger world and opportunities for story and other mechanics. But, well, I am just myself in the HD team, a salary-man with a family to support, getting older and with less free time than before. Whatever, it probably means nothing to you, but HD development is always in my mind. So, to deliver a complete game by the end of this year, I reevaluated its scope and made it linear now, with the story presented in text form on the loading screen of each level, so if you are only interested in the action, as soon as the level loads you can skip it all together. And to my surprise, it made the game feel better, at least for me. Now I pass the ball to you and I plead you early buyer to take one more look at it and leave a comment on the game community forum.

Immediate plan: complete the remaining levels. Mostly the space levels. And wrap the story.

Post release and the end of Early Access: I committed to deliver version 1.0 by the beginning of September 2022. And it will be this way. It doesn’t mean the development is over, there will be bug fixing, probably additional levels and guns, and an open spreadsheet for localization, because I can’t pay for professional translators.

I’d love to have my game translated to all languages, so it is up to the community to let it happen. But I’ll surely translate it to Brazilian Portuguese myself, because it is my native language.

In summary of this update:

The game is now linear: Intro → Level one → Cutscene/loading screen → Next level, and so forth.

Rehash of old levels and addition of new ones, can you tell?

See you on the community board. Cheers!