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  2. News
  3. #9 Update

#9 Update


New stuff just arrived. Hope you enjoy it!
Check it out!

- Added extra tooltip on the Inn
- Added breakable rocks at area 2 (Badlands) and area 4.
- Added interactions with houses (3 different interactions can happen)
- Increase max characters limit to 16

- Left-Click on a character card to open the char info panel while on the quest job
- Fix bug on the town, clicks on character cards while interacting with the Temple, Blacksmith, etc., would make the Char Info panel appear
- Added 'Esc' shortcut to deselect the Selected current ability
- Rep Panel and Objectives Panel close all other panels on opening
- The Trader and Tavern panel would remain open after the next path or the end of the job
- Empty inventory with no items, could not equip a gem
- Fix a bug allowing to hire more characters than the limit
- Fix bug allowing to resurrect beyond characters limit

Stay safe!