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Paths & Danger News

Commander: Modern War release

[h3]In celebration of the recently launched Commander: Modern War, it has added the ALL IN 1 bundle, where you can get the bundle at 60% off.[/h3]


Commander: Modern war features a two-sided single-player campaign where you can play as the Alliance or the Coalition, as well as skirmish maps where players can battle against up to seven other commanders. Players will also be able to customize their experience by choosing different parameters on the maps, such as the number of players involved in the battle, faction, team, colors, and many others. With the addition of a Map Editor, players can even create their own custom maps to battle on.

The gameplay in Commander: Modern War is both challenging and rewarding. Players will need to deploy their units strategically to take advantage of the terrain and use specialized units to counter their opponents. As they progress through the game, they will be able to recruit new units and capture different locations, ensuring a steady income to keep their army growing.

The release of Commander: Modern War is sure to be a hit with fans of turn-based tactical games, and those looking for an immersive, action-packed gaming experience. With its extensive single-player campaign, skirmish maps, and Map Editor, there is no shortage of things to do in this exciting new title. So why wait? Get ready to experience the thrill of modern warfare and take control of your troops in Commander: Modern War.


#11 Update, Added a new Character Class


  • Added the DARK MAGE

  • Stepping on logs during battle will stagger with -1 action point, with the respective information tooltip on the tile info panel.
  • Large potions are available at the Trader after area 4 is unlocked
  • Added a lot more random names for characters
  • Fix typos on some events
  • Set message when inventory is full when trying to buy more at the Trader
  • Fix bug causing items to be sold when the inventory was open at the Trader
  • Fix error consuming items in the town that would not refresh the inventory or the characters
  • Fix conjurer Ability 1 swap between sword/bow tooltip displaying wrong information about the mouse shortcut. (left -> right)
  • Storage price has been updated and will be according to difficulty. (updated two weeks ago without updating notes)
  • Rented storage capacity on the Trader has been updated to 50.
  • Fix bug prevented from displaying character stats panel correctly on the town with more than 12 characters.
  • Fix bug that would make displaying wrong current action points while in town
  • Fix bugs that were impacting the chance of getting some diseases
  • Added more visual information on the type of attack power (attack power or magic power)
  • Fixed bug causing moving from a muddy terrain to a high ground costing only 1 AP

Hope you enjoy this update.
Further updates will focus more on the suggestions of the community!

Stay tuned for more.
Have a great weekend, and stay safe!

#10 Update


- Tooltips ON/OFF option on settings
- Current Gold display for Trader, Tavern, and House interactions
- Button to Show/Hide console while in town
- Update the game icon
- Added an additional animation speed while on battles. Now there's 2x 4x 6x 8x. (previously was 2x 3x 4x)

- * Stamina required for abilities. *
- * Stamina Vial increased restore value from 12 to 15, Stamina Potion from 25 to 30. *
- Cheese and vegetables' stamina restore value increased by 1
- * Increased hit chance starting values for all player characters *
- Hit Chance surplus points after 100 will subtract on the dodge and block chance on the battle resolve

- Will no longer spawn flowers, items, graves, and other interactable objects in ending points (points where it will set the following path)
- Half-vamp bat form would still trigger spiked traps and other ground traps
- Fix the bug that would cause text on speech balloons not to display
- Fix bug causing traits not to display when triggered
- Fix the incorrect description of the 'Caring' positive trait
- Fix the Bleeding description
- Stunned and frozen characters could still dodge and block attacks

* Since some values are saved within the savegame files, characters and items already saved will still use old values.
New characters and items will have updated values.

Stay tuned for more.
Have a great weekend, and stay safe!

#9 Update


New stuff just arrived. Hope you enjoy it!
Check it out!

- Added extra tooltip on the Inn
- Added breakable rocks at area 2 (Badlands) and area 4.
- Added interactions with houses (3 different interactions can happen)
- Increase max characters limit to 16

- Left-Click on a character card to open the char info panel while on the quest job
- Fix bug on the town, clicks on character cards while interacting with the Temple, Blacksmith, etc., would make the Char Info panel appear
- Added 'Esc' shortcut to deselect the Selected current ability
- Rep Panel and Objectives Panel close all other panels on opening
- The Trader and Tavern panel would remain open after the next path or the end of the job
- Empty inventory with no items, could not equip a gem
- Fix a bug allowing to hire more characters than the limit
- Fix bug allowing to resurrect beyond characters limit

Stay safe!

#8 Update


New stuff just arrived. Hope you enjoy it!
Check it out!

- Added Druid character class
- Added Achievements
- Option to disband a character

- Fix the bug, after loading a game, buying an item would give a stuck the game and not refresh any further
- Display of wrong reward values after a successful job
- Added Esc tooltip where it applies
- Fixed a bug causing the game to get stuck at an event
- Characters that are sleeping can't use the library or the blacksmith
- Fix class names on the characters for hire panel
- Recovering at the Temple has the same effect in resetting the days needed to be able to become tired
- Resume peace songs immediately after the end of a battle

Stay safe!