2. News
  3. 0.30 - Sheet Metal Building Tier, Animals, Building Updates & Fishing

0.30 - Sheet Metal Building Tier, Animals, Building Updates & Fishing

Beached .30 Patch Notes

New Minable Nodes
- Iron Nodes
- Stone Nodes

New Optimized Grass
New Optimized Water

New Animals
- Pig
- Chicken

New Sheet Metal Buildings
- Sheet Metal Tier
- Sheet Metal Door


New Lock Functionality
- Locks can now be placed on Gates & Storage Chests

New Building Objects
- Large Wooden Gate
- Spiked Large Wooden Gate
- Large Wooden Wall
- Spiked Large Wooden Wall
- Fence
- Fence Gate
- Chicken Coop
- Pig Pen
- Water Storage

New Fishing Mechanic

New Worms
- Dig out of the ground with a shovel, used as bait for fishing

New Starting Player Items
- Spawn and respawn with a rock and torch

New Christmas Tree Purchasable Decoration
- In the item store

New Holiday Menu
- New Music
- Snowy Menu

Removed Food Decay

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue ith item stuck on cursor when exiting menu
- Fixed an issue with backpacks not saving items inside of them
- Fixed an issue where if a chest is destroyed all items would be lost, (now drops a container bag)