1. The Dark: Survival RPG
  2. News

The Dark: Survival RPG News

*v1.0 Beta

*v1.0 Beta
* (Quests/NPCs) currenty stripped npcs/dialogue from game to prepare for reworking
* (Crafting/Containers) Fixed/changed how ingredients are used from nearby chests and chest in inventory while crafting
*(Crafting/UI) Being nearby anvil adjusts crafting menu instead of having to interact with anvil
*(Enemies) Added ranged mobs wip
*(Enemies) Tons of optimizations fixes/ more to go
*(Spawners) Added global object and enemy spawners,
enemies spawn at night and friendly mobs spawn all the time
*(Combat) rewrote combat system entirely wip
*(Skills) rewriting skills wip

*v9.8.8 Beta

*v9.8.5 Beta
* (Multiplayer, wip) Set up multiplayer
* (Gamepad) Fixed occurence of second cursor on start up
* (Quests) Fixed null reference when completing quests
* (Plants) Fixed onion providing tomato seeds
* (Plants) Fixed pots and some seeds colliders
* (Character) Increased walk speed
* (Character, Creation) Fixed reset button
* (Character, Death) Fixed breath being set to 50% on resurrection
* (Spells) Fixed null reference when casting some spells
* (Spells) Fixed spells colliding with quest interaction zones
* (Spells) Some spells now cause repeated damage (in addition to debuffs)
* (Spells) Adjusted reagents
* (Spells) Fixed null reference when dragging skill from skillbar to inventory
* (Spells) Fixed self buff skill effect not appearing after loading a save game
* (Combat) Fixed bug that stopped player from being able to attack after switching weapons
* (Combat) Changed how damageTypes are handled, added more damage types/resistances
* (Combat) Changed how debuffs are handled
* (Combat) Removed ability to attack while sheathing/unsheathing
* (Combat) buffs and debuffs are shown on healthbar for other players/monsters
* (Combat) Better hit detection
* (Combat) Added more animations
* (Items, Combat) Added 2 handed Axes
* (Items, Combat) Added 2 handed Swords
* (Items, Combat) Added 2 handed Hammers
* (Items, Dragging) Dragging item from inventory/equipment creates world item preview
* (Items, Dragging) When dragging items into world, scroll to adjust rotation
* (Items, Dragging) Dragging item onto bag in inventory, will place item into bag
* (Items) Rename items with max stack of 1 by right clicking
* (Items) Get vials of blood or acid by filling them near corpses
* (Items) Changed some recipes
* (Items) Added Amethyst gems
* (Items) Added item weight
* (Items) Durability fixed
* (Items) Added durability icon colors
* (Items) Fixed runes, so they can be used on ground again
* (Items) Fixed pants drop object, being old model
* (Items) Storages work differently now, drag and drop to ground to place
* (Storage) Added containers that can hold items in inventory
* (Storage) Containers tooltips show weight of all contents
* (Storage) Containers are unified with storages, so can drop any container to ground and access like storage
* (Storage) Spells can pull reagents from containers
* (Storage) Buying items from npcs can pull gold from containers
* (Storage) Can cast spells on items in containers, same as inventory
* (Storage) Can use items while in containers, same as inventory
* (Crafting, Storage) Can use craft ingredients from inside containers, or that are close by
* (Crafting) Added selection arrows for crafting, to weave through multiple version of the same thing (ex. chairs)
* (Building) All building props are removed and now dragged into home from inventory instead of using building system
* (Tooltip) Can drag around tooltip
* (Tooltip) Fixed tooltips on skillbar
* (Map) Added coordinates
* (Monsters) Monsters cannot walk into water anymore
* (Destruction) Rewrote the destruction system
* (Destruction) Debris can no longer push player through ground
* (Audio) Fixed sort button sounds for inventory
* (Mounts) Fixed loading a pet item that was summoned when saved

*v9.8.6 Beta
* (Inventory) Fixed shift+click bugs

*v9.8.7 Beta
* (Weight) Weight in Inventory ui now shows equipment weight aswell
* (Weight) Moved weight UI display for readability
* (Weight) Player can no longer run when over max carryable weight
* (Weight) Max carryable weight increases with strength
* (Equipment) Fixed some armors not showing in paperdoll

*v9.8.8 Beta
* (UI) All panel positions now save
* (UI) Can lock panels so they cant be moved
* (Crafting, Containers) Fixed bug that would require
opening nearby containers after loading into game, before being able to craft from them
* (Merry christmas! 2021) Added santa hat

v9.7 update!

* Added full gamepad support (added/tested with xbox 360 controller)
* Some monsters will drop keys now, in necessary areas
* Fixed rat spawn in the library
* Fixed error when swapping items in inventory
* Can be near water to fill bottles now (instead of submerged)

* (Gamepad) Fixed bug where two cursors are present
* (Gamepad) Fixed movement bug when toggling menus
* (Gamepad) Set up dropping items to ground
* (Gamepad) Set up parallax main menu screen
* (Gamepad) Set up tooltip location
* (Gamepad) Set up spell casting
* (Gamepad) Set up dismounting
* (Gamepad) Updated Help info (can be opened from settings now)

* (Gamepad) Set up map and some map controls

*v9.7 hot fix
* fixed inability to enter game without gamepad

*Any feedback provided for gamepad would be super helpful!

Thanks every one for your support and bug reports!!!
for any questions or concerns please ask away,
at either discord, email, or in community hub!!

v9.4 update!

!!!!! v9.2 will break, v9.1 and below, saves!!!

* Optimized enemy code
* Optimized player code
* Optimized interaction system
* Optimized quest marker system
* Splitting stacks on drag is set to left alt
* Fixed monsters not spawning in buildings
* Added ability for consumables to alleviate afflictions; Consuming water alleviates burning
* Buying item no longer shows amount of gold spent in info popups, but shows the item you received
* Fixed inability to close forge menu with exit button
* Fixed distance you can open a forge or storage container from
* Fixed colliders on forge so its easier to open
* Fixed culling issues making parts of world invisible when camera slightly blocked
* Fixed being able to unlock a "sealed" door, which arent meant to ever be opened
* Fixed library door ID, was crossed with another door, so state wasnt saved or loaded correctly

* Fixed interaction
* Fixed skillbar

Thanks every one for your support and bug reports!!!
for any questions or concerns please ask away,
at either discord, email, or in community hub!!

v9.2 update!

!!!!! v9.1 will break, v9.0 and below, saves!!!

* At the end of a music clip, the correct audio now plays according to what mode you are in
* Added sounds for wyverm, werewolf, vampire, spider, giant spider, golem, orc, demon, mummy
dragonhide, durahan, and oak tree
* Added eating and drinking sounds to all consumables
* Adjusted the benefits and the ill effect chances of all consumables
* Selecting new game no longer closes options which could make you get stuck in menu
* Fixed skills and spells only showing up when loading existing character
* Fixed the fade in when loading/creating new character
* Temporarily removed world axe (needs more testing for saving and loading a modified world)
* Redesigned the worlds buildings
* Adjusted footstep sounds/audio
* Added keys (keys use levels and so do doors/chests ex. level 2 key can open level 2 doors/chests)
* Added functionality for saving if doors are locked/unlocked or open/closed
* Added functionality for saving if chests were opened or not, and contents received
* Added functionality for saving if barrels are destroyed or not
* Added ability to leave pick up items around the world
* Converted coins into a carry-able item
* Adjusted all transactions to work with the new coins system
* Adjusted where tool tips appear
* Added exit button to tooltips
* Made main menu use parallax scrolling
* Fragment items are laid about the world
* Added new items/recipes (consumables)
* Added ability to plant and grow seeds
* Planted seeds are not auto-loot-able (looted when walking over them)
* Added some farms to world
* Fixed the rune and clay items missing material and mesh
* Changed the icons of various items
* Added icons to info pop ups
* Fixed info pop ups counter
* Adjusted buy and sell prices of many items
* Added cows, milk, and beef
* Enemy health now always appears when enemy is in crosshairs
* Enemy health only stays open when not in crosshairs if their stats are opened
* Can now lock-on/unlock onto enemy using X button while enemy is in crosshairs
* Pressing Z will close enemy stats and will unlock locked in enemies when enemy is not in crosshairs
* Lock-on and enemy stats will close automatically if too far from enemy
* Free cam is only activated by alt when not walking, this prevents odd cam movements when dodging
* Adjusted status UI
* Adjusted all UI drag points
* Unblocked some partially blocked exit buttons

* Fixed sky not showing during player creation
* Fixed null reference on death
* Made many optimizations to code
* Fixed mark rune and open gate spells

* Added cucumber and onions
* Added new models, growth stages, and icons for tomatoes, pumpkins, carrots, cabbage and potatoes
* Plants can be grown inside your home, or anywhere, with pots

* Set a point on the top of pots that plants will reference for better placement
* Fixed cucumber spawning onion seeds and plants
* Fixed huge bug where plants would sometimes load in as items instead of plants

* Fixed tool tip sometimes showing as just "Tooltip"

* Added ability to water plants(drag water onto plant, youll receive the empty bottle)
* Plants grow faster when watered
* Fixed a bug with world items not loading properly (naming issue)
* Fixed pot not referencing next stage of plants when growth occurs
* Fixed pot not referencing plant on load
* Removed physics from pots
* Fixed tooltip showing for a moment when dragging item

* Fixed buying items from NPCs
* Adjusted enemy stats
* Fixed enemy HP bars displaying incorrect name
* Made recipes UI more efficient

This is the last save breaking update for a while!!
I believe all necessary save capabilities are set and future update proofed.

Thanks every one for your support and bug reports!!!
for any questions or concerns please ask away,
at either discord, email, or in community hub!!