1. Cataclismo
  2. News
  3. Beware the horrors! Meet the enemies

Beware the horrors! Meet the enemies

Greetings, Hogardians!

You already know your fellow soldiers, the brave troops defending Hogar against the menace of the Mist. However, now that the release date is getting closer, it’s high time to analyze the enemy.

Ever since the Cataclismo happened, the land abounds with Horrors. All animals and humans unfortunate enough to breathe the Mist were turned into violent creatures. Eons have passed, but these loathsome beasts still plague humanity.

From small Vermin to incendiary Blister and mighty Siren, each of these monstrosities has a quirk we need to understand. Otherwise, we won't have a chance against their relentless attacks.

That’s why we’re here. To know our enemy:

Are you ready to face them? Share your strategies with the rest of Hogardians and your ideas for new enemies on our Discord!

Go low and throw!
Israel - Hogardian Herald