1. Netherguild
  2. News
  3. Progress Update - Fleshing out the upcoming areas and more!

Progress Update - Fleshing out the upcoming areas and more!

Hey Guild Leaders!

I've been making lots of progress on the new areas and classes.

Here's some details!

The Sewers

I've been fleshing out the upcoming Sewers area - one of the things I added was chunks of rubble on the ground, which make the sewers look more ruined and abandoned than before - as well as heightening the tiles it appears on.

This means that unlike water tiles, crossing rubble tiles doesn't cause slow.

I've also been working on different room layouts to keep things fresh, like this hatched floor.

And this one which has an area in the middle surrounded by water besides a few bridges.

The Damp Caves

The second upcoming area is the "Damp Caves" - full of odd mushroom enemies...

Here's a model for one enemy I want to add - while other mushroom-men debuff you, this guy pushes you away from them defensively, reducing your movement.

I've also started working on loot for this upcoming area!

(Mushroom shields)

New Class Progress

I've been wrapping up the Healer class abilities!

Mandrake Root: Buffing allies as well as enhancing and triggering bleed on enemies.

Cleansing Ritual: Cures the first (leftmost) negative status effect, heals +1 HP and buffs ally speed.

The abilities for the new classes are about 70% done, here's an overview:
  • Alchemist: Abilities done (but might add more)
  • Duelist: Abilities done (but might add more)
  • Healer: Missing one ability
  • Hero: No abilities yet

What's next?

Improved bonfire UI
-Two to Three weeks
I want to make the bonfire interface clearer so players experience less fiddling and confusion when healing their characters.

Visual Overworld
-Three weeks
The Overworld interface is a bit lacking and gray - so I was thinking about redoing it by displaying some things like the guild with custom 3D visuals.

Will work on these while progressing on the new areas and classes in preparation for the upcoming major update.


And that's all for now!

Thank you for checking out this update, see you next time (:
