1. Infection Free Zone
  2. News
  3. What's next? A quick sneak-peek into upcoming changes

What's next? A quick sneak-peek into upcoming changes

[h2]Greetings, Survivors![/h2]

Thank you for your incredible support! We are very happy to see that the reviews have once again become Mostly Positive. The reception for the latest update is optimistic and we are happy to see the reports about several issues being fixed. Still, it's only the beginning! We will keep on making Infection Free Zone the best it can be.

[h2]What's next?[/h2]


Fixing critical bugs remains the core focus of our work at the moment. We analyze which issues are occurring the most often and try to tackle them one by one. Most issues with older save files becoming corrupted should be fixed by now, but there is a small amount of saves that won't be possible for us to fix anymore. In this case, it's recommended to start a new game. We know how irritating it is when a problem of this kind occurs, but we hope that you won't encounter them anymore in the future.


One of the most requested features right now includes Gear. While it's already possible for the squad members to equip different weapons, there are several requests to add another slot that would contain armor. This idea has been greenlit on our side. We have decided to prioritize this request and provide the players with Gear in the next major update.

[h3]Renewable Wood/Trees[/h3]

Another request most frequently submitted to us is related to the amount of trees and wood that the player can obtain. We are aware that this number is currently finite. To fight this problem, we are working on two solutions that will complement each other.

First, we want to allow the trees to grow back. Second, we want to let you decide where your workers will plant the trees. While the latter solution is reserved for the future, we hope that we can implement the tree regrowth itself faster.

[h2]Join us on Discord![/h2]

If you haven't joined us yet, we recommend visiting us on Discord. Recently, we have started running surveys on the #surveys channel to learn about the issues you care about and see which solutions to them you would like to see the most. You can find the invite link to our Discord server HERE.

Thank you for playing Infection Free Zone!

Best regards,
Jutsu Games Team