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  2. News
  3. Update 1.39

Update 1.39

Hello everyone,

Preparing the groundwork for the campaign missions gave many opportunities to optimize and correct the code (or even discover or create new bugs). Most of, if not to say all, enemy animations were "recoded" to avoid possible conflicts at some point.
In addition to allowing entry to the lab and browsing the campaign map (now available as a tease factor), analysing this update under the microscope will reveal a bunch of optimization and tweaks.

So without further delay, let's get the details out a bit.

Version 1.39:

Tweaks section:
  1. Added dynamic eye animations to the characters in the scenes.
  2. Reworked the start menu, and other sub menu buttons with a new holographic design to align with the coming campaign style.
  3. Reworked the player labels in game to be clearer.
  4. Reworked the game tutorial by adding frames into presented sections. Also adjusted a message concerning the score penalty if an enemy flees the level.
  5. Explosions from liquid-pocketed projectiles are brighter.
  6. Bonus salty and sugary crystals captured in the bloodstream have new and distinct sounds.
  7. Point values were adjusted for some special enemies appearing in the game play.
  8. Optimize audio to avoid overlapping in some conditions.
  9. Reworked all enemy animations to avoid possible conflicting process.
  10. The weaker Botulinum bacteria (mothers) will not leave the area anymore in the 4th challenge level (Botulinum nest).
  11. Reduced the energy cost of electric discharge and adjusted upward by 20% for each additional unlock of the same type (Bait, sonic mine or electrical discharge).
  12. White blood cells will get blurry if hit by the nanobot instrumental weapons.

Bug squish section:
  1. Using the pause menu to return to the main menu during a challenge level could make the game hang and crash or avoid the challenge level.
  2. Using the cancel button on the option scene caused the game to stop.
  3. Salmonella bacteria reaching the artery exit could also cause a game crash.
  4. A 2 players game could also cause a crash if either nanobot was out of service and reached the artery exit from the bloodstream while Salmonella bacteria was present in the level.

New Stuff section:
  1. The campaign map is available for browsing (not playable), maybe you can find an anticipation surprise there somewhere :)
  2. A new RED Label penalty can be witnessed at the organism health and player score labels if any enemy flees from the level. A specific sound and message will also be appearing.
  3. A new label (keeping count of fled enemies) may appear in the 1st and 2nd challenge levels if an enemy has left the area.

This sums it up for now.

Thank you for protecting the organism with your nanobot. I wish you a lot of fun :)