2. News
  3. ZEPHON Demo 7 (May 13th to May 21st)

ZEPHON Demo 7 (May 13th to May 21st)

The seventh playable demo of ZEPHON will be available from May 13th (@ 12 pm CEST) to May 21st (@ 12 pm CEST) on Steam.

The biggest change in this demo is the addition of tier 5 research. See the full changes below.

Come join us in celebration and let us know what you think of ZEPHON.


This is an early look at an in-development alpha version of the game. As such, there will be bugs, imbalances and missing assets.

The demo includes single player and multiplayer, but is limited to up to four player on a medium-sized map. 5 different leaders are available for selection and 3 NPC factions are present. Research progress is limited to the first 5 tech tiers.

The full version will contain larger maps, advanced game setup options, 8 leaders, over 50 units spread across 10 tiers of research, more terrain features and quests, an end-game grand finale, unlockable game modifiers, achievements, multiple languages as well as full workshop support.

[h3]Changes in Demo 7[/h3]
## New
* Added tier 5 technologies.
* Added victory screens for each leader.
* Added loading screen tips.
* Added new tutorial tips.
* Added ability to play an introduction game.
* Added ability to hide Human, Voice or Cyber technologies from the research view.

## General
* Tips are now sorted alphabetically in the compendium.
* Tweaked attribute hints.

## Balance
* Added Blighted condition, which causes hitpoints loss over time based on rank.
* Toxic Spearhead now applies Blighted (1) for 3 turns instead of dealing increased damage to biological units.
* Reduced hitpoints of Dark Vassael from 48 to 32.
* Increased accuracy of Dark Vassael from 5 to 6.
* Reduced hitpoints of Surthodai's Embrace from 48 to 32.
* Reduced accuracy of Exousia Marauder from 7 to 6.
* Increased Surthodai's Hand damage from 6 to 8.
* Increased Surthodai's Hand armor penetration from 4 to 5.
* Reduced Shoch'itris Lair hitpoints from 48 to 32.
* Reduced Elect of Uzhodai armor from 5 to 4.
* Reduced Whispers of Harmony hitpoints gain from 6 to 4 and morale gain from 3 to 2.
* Malakim Destroyers are now Biological in addition to Mechanical.

## Bug Fixes
* Fixed crash that could occur when selecting saved games.
* Fixed crash that could occur when the player removes an item for which a target is being chosen.
* Fixed ending a call not removing incoming call for the other player.
* Fixed not being able to accept calls from another player in multiplayer if it's not your turn.
* Fixed hitpoints status when loading an autosave as Fallen Soldier.
* Fixed display of accumulated resources sometimes rounding up, which gives the false illusion of having enough to produce or purchase something.
* Fixed Combat Drones teleporting to land and becoming permanent when deployed on water.