1. Scrapping Simulator
  2. News
  3. Major Update - v0.31

Major Update - v0.31

G'day Scrappers! Thank you all for being so patient with this update and all the support is greatly appreciated! Stay awesome all!

[h2]Updates to v0.31[/h2]
  • Changed the E-Waste Loading/Saving Object Amount Warning number to be better suited to the new optimised set of Objects, as the game can now handle quite a bit more objects on the Scene at a time than that of the past, the Warning trigger amount has been increased from 50 to 150 active E-Waste Objects.

  • Removed a lot of Raycasting Events on UI Elements which generally block clicking other UI elements.

  • Added Post Processing Effects that can Individually be toggled on/off via the Graphics Settings - which greatly improves the overall look of the game at a slight cost of performance.

  • Fixed server Lid and LCD Motherboard Animations being offset.

  • Redesigned the SSD Staged E-Waste Object Case to not look unnecessarily bulky.

  • Fixed the issue where the Hardware Store and Pawnshop Doors would most times get out of sync - By removing Individual Animators from the Doors and creating a parent Animator that handles both doors at the same time.

  • Fixed the bug where the Ingot Moulds could be purchased without the available funds.

  • Reworked the 'ReplaceAllObjects' Method which now dynamically replaces all E-Waste objects even with future objects without further code.

  • Completely Redesigned the IC Chip, BGA Chips, Generic Fan, Capacitors and Transformer Inner Components - The Models have been completely redesigned in Blender which greatly improves performance, by using 1 Model rather than using Multiple Unity Cube/Cylinder Models to make up the Objects - This also fixes the Issue of the Off-Centre Queuing and Sibling Effects for these Remade Objects - With such a change, I have had to call the 'ReplaceAllObjects' method to fix Loaded Objects becoming bugged and or unusable.

  • Fixed the Small and Large Crystal Oscillators Queue and Sibling FX being off-centre from the object.

  • Fixed the House next door to the Scrap Yard that had incorrectly Coloured LODs for the Fences.

  • Added a 'Side Scroll' Feature in Disassembly Mode if the player mouse's over to the edge of the screen the camera will shift toward the direction of the mouse, potentially revealing hidden/off-screen objects when zoomed in - This is also separate from the Standard [W, A, S, D] way of moving the camera and both can be combined to get more visual access to components - This can be Toggled On/Off in the new 'Gameplay' tab within the Settings.

  • Along with the Above Side Scroll Feature the way the Camera focuses on the Target E-Waste Object has been reworked to be better suited to the Side Scroll Feature and has a more smoother fluent movement.

  • Fixed E-Waste Object Rotations being askew by 90° when attaching them to the Disassembly Table.

  • Added a Day/Night cycle and Added Player Energy - The players bed can now be used to Sleep and awake at around 7am the next morning - This also utilises the Nights to bring in E-Waste while the player is sleeping as to avoid E-Waste randomly popping into existence around bins during the day as well as updating the Material Prices on a daily basis and a decent improvement on performance due to removing a handful of timers and adding them to daily/weekly events.

  • Another Feature added with the Day and Night Cycle is now all shops have an Open/Close time - For now the Open Times are from 8am - 7pm though this may become unique for each shop in the future.

  • The Value of Materials at the Scrap Yard now changes on a daily basis rather than every 10 minutes.

  • Made it so if you move far enough away from a Light Source, the Light is disabled which greatly improves performance - This however does not affect the Billing System and even if a light is disabled due to being too far away from the player the Billing system still recognises the Light is on and Drawing Power.

  • Added Lighting Distance and Post Processing to the Quality (Low Medium, High, etc) Pre-sets and also the ability to tweak manually in the 'Custom' Pre-set.

  • Along with the Day and Night cycle a Weather System has been implemented for a more immersive experience, along with this, a Volume Slider has been added for the Ambient/Weather Audio under the Audio Settings to adjust weather/ambient related SFX to your personal liking.

  • Completely Reworked the Street E-Waste Spawning which now spawns daily to avoid objects popping up in front of the player - This change now includes a rarity value for the Objects, which now makes Servers and PC a little more difficult to obtain which should space out the time it takes to make bank - This also entices players to utilise both the Pawn Shop and the email system to gain more profit Daily rather than relying purely on Street E-Waste.

  • Changed the Billing System to work on a weekly basis rather than every 20 mins, Every Monday morning you will be sent a Power Bill and you will have until the following Monday to pay it - Avoiding to pay the Power Bill will result in all Power to your Residence being suspended until the Due Bill is payed, this Includes Lights and your PC.

  • Reworked the Email and Delivery System to dynamically handle any future objects being brought into the game and being more performant, and now has more variation for the Messages and Delivery Status.

[h2]HOTFIX: 11/11/22[/h2]
  • Fixed the issue where Time would randomly not initialize when Starting a New Game (and the rare cases with players loading their save with broken time) - With this it should also Fix the issues of the Shops sometimes not opening and the Wake up, Pass out, Wake up loop.